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Posts posted by JoPar_v2

  1. If Matthews is out next week and beyond it's time for Jones to start doing something.


    Can't rely on the defense to keep this up every week because even the greatest defense have bad games at some point.

    "Beyond time"? Really? To do what? Replace matthews production? Because he's had some big plays (zay had one today too) but I havent seen jordan light it up since he's been here. And zay should be be ready to replace his production, one of those guys from that vaunted 2014 class, right away? Again okay. Stupid again. Not thought out but u go with it bud
  2. BTW it was East Carolina University not State

    They can't be bothered with little details while on a witch hunt.


    And no S**t the competition is different. It's different for any WR coming from any college coming to the NFL. We ain't content to give the kid a HALF a season at this point though. Course these are the same mugs that never played, never coached, etc...

  3. No. 20 catches for this year's second round pick would be an upgrade from what we's seen so far. Emphasis on the 'so far'...

    Big emphasis on "so far" i agree. So let's let it play out. If at the end of his rookie season he has pathetic numbers talk about it then. Dont talk about it now. That's reactionary BS for fools on this board trying to find something to complain about a 3-1 team. Hit me up after the season and i will gladly eat my words but i still have all faith in zay.
  4. That's fine. I give out plenty of brownie points and you are going on a diet.


    He sucks. He has always sucked. BB can't hide him in a zone.


    Still one of the best posters, and I will continue to pump up guys who give good insight. No hard feelings.


    I'd encourage anyone going wild on me to look back at the thread I created which detailed how BB's attempt at ensuring another championship could hasten their demise. Everything has fallen as I mentioned.


    I'm not all about patting my own back but seeing the Pats and BB come up flat is tooooooo much to ignore.

    1 - he hasn't always sucked. He's made enough plays over the years in buffalo to catch BB's attention BUT..


    2 - the rest of you points are valid. Gilmore has problems mental mistakes that make him a liability in man to man and he's not accustomed enough to turn into a great zone corner either. So whatever, BB's loss, our gain. He was WAY overpaid

  5. I guess Jones will be a better receiver than Moulds per all the experts on this site. Can't wait to see that day. Go Bills.

    No one is saying that homie but way to put words in my mouth. All im saying is pump the breaks on the freakout. His pedigree, his college production isnt going to just disappear. And I am no expert, Im just not going to overreact on a 1st year WR struggling over the 1st quarter of the season. Again, y'all are spoiled by that 2014 class and have no long term memory

    Okay, skippy. So you've been lurking for 13 years but you know nothing about posters like Boyst who have been on here forever. Got it. :rolleyes::lol:

    I know a lot about him chief. I know that he tries to but funny when he never is. I know that he throws useless political sh*t into threads. I know that the board would be better off without him. I know a lot of things
  7. I like Zay but he hasn't been good so far.

    Didn't respond to my suggestion but okay. Yes he has not been impressive so far. I dont think he just flames out as some are suggesting though. WR is one of the hardest to transition from college to pro. We were all spoiled by the 2014 class but what has Doctson done? Davis? Williams has yet to play. There are many more i could point to. The 2014 WR was an aberration and history proves that
  8. "Remember last season when Gilmore was pointing at a wide open Hogan scoring a touchdown and blaming the rest of his secondary? I'm starting to think that wasn't the secondary's fault. This guy points at who he's supposed to be covering from 10 yards behind on every big play. He is terrible.


    The Bills finally got one over on us. He's so bad I wouldn't be surprised if he was sent here by the Pegula's to corrupt our team from the inside."

    -from Patriots' forum

    Haha he aint wrong. Like i said guy has mental/attitude deficiencies that will never allow him to be a shutdown CB. I highly doubt the pegulas were the ones pulling the trigger but hey he or she is a pats fan




    You two newbies don't detect sarcasm well, apparently. Knowing the poster would help, too. You snared two more, Boyst...

    Lol "newbie" yes this is my first and only account. No i havent been posting and lurking here for 13 years. Please son. If that is an example of his sarcasm he doesnt know the meaning of the word or how to execute it

  10. Gilmore's getting exposed. BB makes all the decisions over there so he's the one okay'ing that money they gave him as well. BB wouldnt have okay'ed that contract if he didnt envision gilmore being a shutdown CB and he may have made a mistake there. I still think gilmore is eminently talented but he has far to many mental breakdowns to be reliable in that role

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