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Posts posted by JoPar_v2

  1. The team record is irrelevant, I could live with letting Hogan and Goodwin go but we needed to keep Woods and Watkins. And with all these injuries we're seeing why. Tate is now our #1 wr. Let that sink in. Our punt returner is now Tyrod's #1 guy. Wow?

    Watkins has what, 1 catch in the last 2 weeks? Getting outplayed by a rookie and robert woods? Sorry Im not too busted up about losing him. Hes had 1 good game (which he left early because he got hurt again.)

  2. I think that this is basically hogwash. These are professional athletes for kripes sake. A route tree is a route tree regardless what NFL team you have been playing for. A good QB and a good WR should be able to get their timing down with repetitions. That's what practice is for. It it shouldn't take months or years. The actual timing should take days. Rep after rep after rep.


    Now trust is another issue, however if a QB doesn't trust his receivers then why are the receivers on the field if the QB won't throw to them. OR If the QB is not capable of trusting his receivers (which I believe is one of TT's problems) then why is he your QB.

    Lol wow. Yeah it takes days to get the timing down and getting the QB-WR to be consistently productive together. Have you ever, EVER heard either a pro QB or pro WR say that? If so, please provide some evidence. Have you been actually watching football or just pretending to do so on the internet?

  3. HE did again. Can't lead a 4th Quarter comeback, can't read his progressions quickly enough, string bean arm, and can't seem to pass for over 200 yards consistently.


    I am done with him. QB change after the break. Spend the next two weeks grooming Peterson.

    Well might as well cut him right now since he didnt meet your deadline coach.


    Another jelly roll that probably never played the game and definitely never coached. Your opinion matters. Cant wait for the next one.



    you seem to be worried about me and my perspectives. one should not be so concerned with how one chooses to live in their bubble. maybe you should concentrate more on those that may care how you feel.


    I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over how a football player addressed a female reporter.




    it's something that goes on my list of not giving a ****.

    Surely you see the irony in what you just said, since you injected yourself into the conversation by posting in this thread about that very topic. Or did you just NOT CARE so much, that you just had to tell us all that were discussing it that you had to just express your NOT CARING and had to peck away at your keyboard to tell us?




    thank you, I am not bothered by your observation of my post, rather I'm honored.


    on a serious note. I find you to be one of the most knowledgeable posters on this board and you generally have some very good takes. yet I have to ask, why so serious?

    Maybe first you should answer: why so flippant?


    I dont know what you do; maybe youre used to being publicly embarrassed while attempting to do your job and it just rolls off the back at this point. Perhaps this woman wasnt expecting it though.

  6. Cam should have brought his receivers in and pulled this routine with Ms. Great Reporter:



    "Listen Lady... You drag the defense up and down the field for a whole game and tell me how much you enjoy it!"


    Like she is such a judge of who's enjoying what?


    I'd be insulted too if I was Cam... But I wouldn't get all sexist on her. If a guy asked that question, I'd probably get all rude too. The sexist angle is an easy cop out. Unfortunately, Cam gave it to them (her and all the complainers).

    Thats a fine edge though. I think the distinction comes in when you research and realize how many DUMB questions male reporters ask that dont get that sort o dismissive response. Im a cam fan by the way i think carolina is ruining him entering his prime but whatever. But the point is male reporters get away with stuff that women get laughed at for. Have you ever read peter king? The most inane, shill empty suit in the league, media wise. He sucks. No QB would laugh in his fat face, even though he deseves much worse.
  7. Like it is really important to know so much about a gratuitous game. So what she knows more... Get over yourselves. But I bow to them all, female or male.


    What exactly does:


    "seems to be enjoying the physicality of his routes..."


    mean... Specifically, "enjoying the physicality."


    Ooo... Sounds so professional! Cam is supposed to be impressed, I am supposed to be impressed.


    Dumb. Whoever she is, no matter if she's a female or a guy... It just sounds stupid. Gee, Ms./Mr. Professional Sport's Reporter... We all bow to your inpressive choice of words.


    "enjoying the physicality of his routes"


    LoL... Yeah, just play the game. Next time say: "Yeah, they really love the stimulating experience of being challenged with such invigorating routes."


    You gotta be kidding we are debating a butt hurt reporter being dissed for being a Lady sounding so professional! Ask a dumb question, get an even dumber response. Yeah, but let's pretend it's because Cam was sexist... Which his mistake is that he was sexist. Such a cringe worthy question and an even more cringe worthy answer by Cam.


    And this, coming from a big Cam hater (me).



    I think she was more talking down to his receivers than he was talking down to her.

    You can parse the exchange down like that and i respect that. She, individually, may not be the most knowledgeable about anything football related, route running included. And if youre criticism was directed at her, individually, then fine. I was responding to the idiots, in general, making broad statements based on this BS. Not you in particular. I know my post count under this account doesnt reflect it but I know you know your s**t. The others though...
  8. You triggered me. I am now extremely sad. I wish a stranger could do what you suggested...




    ...My mom's dead. 58 in 1999. Ovarian cancer. She missed much of my life, like the birth of my second child, a daughtet no less.


    Can you bring her back so Cam can insult her? Please, bring her back!

    Im not quite sure your point but im sorry for your loss and my mother is dealing with cervical cancer right now.


    But if your triggering was just just sarcasm then guess what youre part of the problem. All of you tossing off newtons comments as no big deal are so out of touch i couldnt even guess how old you are. You do know there are full-time female coaches in the NFL now? The Bills had one last year? Yeah those ladies know more than you. And beyond that, someone like Suzy Kolbert has learned and forgotten more about football than you would ever hope to learn in two lifetimes.

  9. There has to be at least 25% complaining and whining OPs right now.


    The team is 3-1, in sole possession of 1st place and could go 4-1 into the bye beating a very vulnerable Cincy team.


    What are your problems? Enjoy it, or find another team to support.

    They arent undefeated are they? First in every statistical category? No. They arent a perfect team. Its well within the bounds of acceptable discussion here to discuss the teams flaws and shortcomings.


    And 25% whining is actually far below the going average around here.

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