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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Still doesnt excuse the laziness of a one-word, non-descriptive thread title. Mods use that auto response for a reason.
  2. A true dwarf in a sea of midgets.
  3. Lol yeah because the guys on the other side of the table, ownership and management, have a ton of honor
  4. He just trolled everyone last week with the orton BS yet youre entertaining this idiot again.
  5. Lol wow. Yeah it takes days to get the timing down and getting the QB-WR to be consistently productive together. Have you ever, EVER heard either a pro QB or pro WR say that? If so, please provide some evidence. Have you been actually watching football or just pretending to do so on the internet?
  6. Very possible as well. If so someone needs to remind him he isnt making squat sitting on his hands.
  7. Theres probably a unreported health issue with GB. He visited a few teams in the offseason and didnt receive one offer? May be damaged goods.
  8. Well might as well cut him right now since he didnt meet your deadline coach. Another jelly roll that probably never played the game and definitely never coached. Your opinion matters. Cant wait for the next one.
  9. Id like to know the OPs definition of okay
  10. Surely you see the irony in what you just said, since you injected yourself into the conversation by posting in this thread about that very topic. Or did you just NOT CARE so much, that you just had to tell us all that were discussing it that you had to just express your NOT CARING and had to peck away at your keyboard to tell us?
  11. As is your prerogative. Keep it simple right? No need to defend your opinions to anyone that challenges you. Its compfy in that bubble isnt it?
  12. Maybe first you should answer: why so flippant? I dont know what you do; maybe youre used to being publicly embarrassed while attempting to do your job and it just rolls off the back at this point. Perhaps this woman wasnt expecting it though.
  13. Well what is tried to pass as sarcasm around here aint exactly what I learned in Lit so yes if you can decipher meathead sarcasm thatd be great. Youre the expert.
  14. Ah so you can parse the sarcastic sexists from the real sexists? Teach me your ways obi wan.
  15. Thats a fine edge though. I think the distinction comes in when you research and realize how many DUMB questions male reporters ask that dont get that sort o dismissive response. Im a cam fan by the way i think carolina is ruining him entering his prime but whatever. But the point is male reporters get away with stuff that women get laughed at for. Have you ever read peter king? The most inane, shill empty suit in the league, media wise. He sucks. No QB would laugh in his fat face, even though he deseves much worse.
  16. You can parse the exchange down like that and i respect that. She, individually, may not be the most knowledgeable about anything football related, route running included. And if youre criticism was directed at her, individually, then fine. I was responding to the idiots, in general, making broad statements based on this BS. Not you in particular. I know my post count under this account doesnt reflect it but I know you know your s**t. The others though...
  17. Im not quite sure your point but im sorry for your loss and my mother is dealing with cervical cancer right now. But if your triggering was just just sarcasm then guess what youre part of the problem. All of you tossing off newtons comments as no big deal are so out of touch i couldnt even guess how old you are. You do know there are full-time female coaches in the NFL now? The Bills had one last year? Yeah those ladies know more than you. And beyond that, someone like Suzy Kolbert has learned and forgotten more about football than you would ever hope to learn in two lifetimes.
  18. Honestly compared to some of the responses from the resident neanderthals in this thread what cam did was pretty tame. Seriously if a stranger laughed in your mothers face and basically insulted her intelligence im sure youd have the same smarmy comments right? Or maybe youd tell your mom to know her role and stay in her lane? Scumbags
  19. Its his(or hers) second one in one week!
  20. They arent undefeated are they? First in every statistical category? No. They arent a perfect team. Its well within the bounds of acceptable discussion here to discuss the teams flaws and shortcomings. And 25% whining is actually far below the going average around here.
  21. Neither the local nor national media was unanimous in saying we were tanking and going to win 2-3 games this year. This is pure fantasy
  22. "Beyond time"? Really? To do what? Replace matthews production? Because he's had some big plays (zay had one today too) but I havent seen jordan light it up since he's been here. And zay should be be ready to replace his production, one of those guys from that vaunted 2014 class, right away? Again okay. Stupid again. Not thought out but u go with it bud
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