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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Been here for years and both those statements are false.
  2. Are we really arguing about his attitude/mindset/whatever you want to call it? Jesus Christ
  3. Well you probably couldnt recognize consistent improvement even if it was occurring so what was your point?
  4. Careful. He claims he could fight Dareus he would probably kill you
  5. Of course. Stunning lack of self awareness but that seems to be going around nowadays.
  6. Haha oh my god man. Such a pathetic defense of your horrible take it boggles the mind. You may be the official nadir of this board, which is saying something.
  7. I think he is fooling around but i couldnt tell u for sure
  8. I dont get it - so you are not concerned? I also love the fact that in no way you admit how wrong you have been in the other 100 threads you have started in the last 2 weeks. Must be nice. And youre an EXPERT! Lol
  9. Nah bench him. He needs to learn to catch ALL targets, even the uncatchable ones. Why? Just cause a**holes need someone to hate.
  10. Again, all the refs are a disgrace. Not a week goes by where you dont pull a 😳 on a call. Hochuli is the most visible so i get it but theyre all bad
  11. True Cordy might be the next out the door.
  12. That is very insidious but you are probably right
  13. Nah hes horrible. Just ask the dozens of steakheads on this board calling him a bust 6 games into his career.
  14. Moat NFL referees are horrible. The league doesnt do them any favors either with their sh*t rulebook.
  15. Goddamn we sure missed dareus and watkins today. Love to know yeezuss thoughts on the game if he isnt hiding under a rock somewhere. If he is hopefully he stays there.
  16. But are you concerned????
  17. Definitely disappointed in the return. Maybe that is telling though - MD must not be regarded very highly across the league.
  18. No doubt. Its not as if Dareus was contributing in a major way anymore anyways. Beane and McD pumped up his snaps last week in a predictable move to showcase him to trading partners, just like they did with Watkins in the preseason.
  19. Yeezus back from a vacation? Still appears to be an unhinged baby.
  20. It is almost like he put in actual effort to make sure he was completely, 100% wrong.
  21. Him? Maybe. Me? No not by a long shot. But as far as timeouts and bans go they are pretty arbitrary around here. Of course the sensitive mod seems to be gone now so anything goes.
  22. Wonder what theyll get for glenn. Conditional 7th? Bag of footballs?
  23. When certain posters can drop terms like faggot in threads and others have made a meme out of calling people idiots and everythings cool I wouldnt hold my breath bro.
  24. Most likely nothing. Maybe a conditional 7th.
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