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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Damn right. And Jerruh doesnt have a patriotic bone in his zombie body. He is a greedy cretin concerned only about his bottom line. And he would have sold and trucked the Bills to toronto, london, LA, tokyo in a friggin heartbeat if the pegulas didn't step in and ralph didnt booby trap the lease. And now jerkoff sponsors like Papa John are going to embolden this homunculus to complain more and eventually get his way.
  2. Making new friends I see with your crazy BS. No one was saying anyone could not be tough on MD - he certainly underachieved here and fans have every right to be salty about that. What you dont get to do is take a completely innocent, innocuous comment and claim that it is classless. That is lunacy. But then again that is your schtick so maybe you appreciated this stupid thread.
  3. Goodell is a boob but jerry is an evil f***. He just wants to put in a more pliable puppet. Goodell has exercised a little too much independent thinking.
  4. I dont agree with OP, but he does have a point - baseball has a problem. A pitch clock would not be a bad idea.
  5. God man his comment wasnt bad at all. And based on your responses you dont know the meaning of class.
  6. Because labor law. The NFLPA has an obligation to its members (the players) to defend them against any perceived overreach my the league. As you yourself said, zeke supposedly abused someone. Never proven, by any stardard of proof. So thats why this process has to play out. I know youre sick of it; i am too. But the union wouldnt be doing its job if they just let zeke swing in the wind.
  7. Apparently (according to the article the OP linked) trading Glenn would allow Buffalo to shed a hefty contract? Not quite sure why the author thinks that is a priority for the team, especially since they are contending and have rid themselves of dareus, gilmore and watkins, all guys who were either already making big money or were going to command it. Just another dumb national reporter that knows literally nothing about the Bills but needs to throw something together for their editor.
  8. Then why not title: "Two teams inquire about Calvin Johnson"?
  9. Yes he's certainly got talent commensurate with the money I suppose. I can recall him breaking off several 200+ yard games paired with Luck. He still just appears streaky to me; I have to dig into his game log though and actually look I could be way off.
  10. Haha did you read those? Because they do not refute anything I said. No where did I say previous season turnover production is predictive of a team's current turnover production (because it isn't, especially on a team with an entirely new coaching staff and completely revamped secondary.) Nor was that even the original point of your response. What you were saying is turnover generation (in any given year) is based on primarily on luck. And I tried to help you out by conceding you may have a small point about fumble recovery just based on the physics of the game. Still waiting for you to answer my question related to interceptions though.
  11. Exactly. Way too expensive for a guy that's always struck me as a little streaky production-wise.
  12. Only reasoning I have seen is that they want to slot Dion in there as soon as feasible. Pretty flimsy rationale in my view. I'd be shocked if Glenn was moved.
  13. That's correct. The length of the settlement can vary and was not disclosed publicly as far as I am aware. General background: https://overthecap.com/what-exactly-are-injury-settlements/
  14. Again, what are you basing that on? Perhaps there is a small element of luck involved with recovering a fumble, simply due to the shape of the ball and erratic nature of the way it bounces. But forcing fumbles certainly isn't luck. And interceptions? I'd say very little luck, if any. Being in the right position, baiting a QB into a throw, rushers pressuring a QB into rushing a bad throw, tracking the ball in the air, out-muscling a contesting receiver, actually making the catch and holding on...which one of those elements screams "luck" to you? Anxiously waiting for you to enlighten me.
  15. And that is relevant how? How many players from that team are on this team?
  16. Since 2013 hes missed what? 5 games? Yeah real banged up. Oh and by the way Hyde has missed way more time in the same time period. Great idea though.
  17. This act is officially old.
  18. If turnovers are all luck why do coaches bother teaching defenders to force turnovers? Why was Peanut Tillman brought in by McD during training camp to teach the D how to punch the ball out of the ball carriers hands?
  19. Not even going to comment on the OPs remarks, you all have taken care of that already. I have to take issue with the article cited though - I dont know where PFT finds these guys, but they get worse and worse year after year. Boring is not how I would describe the game yesterday at all. Forced turnovers, big runs, defensive TDs - these are all boring ways to win now? Darin must think if you do not throw for 300+ youre winning boringly. Moron.
  20. For sure. He certainly has swag and that isnt everyones thing. As long as he keeps running like this though Im okay with pretty much anything
  21. So he shouldnt be benched now? Last week he was killing our offense and damning us to the basement of the AFC.
  22. The stats about guys throwing for more than 300/350+ and losing is actually pretty disgusting. I heard the broadcasters say something about Winston last week actually. Not claiming there is any sort of correlation of course, I dont have those numbers to back that up. But there doesnt seem to be much of a correlation the other way either.
  23. Hey he knows he is not wrong he cant be wrong his mom always told him he was special.
  24. Not arguing you are right. But nitpicking, i guess? I dont know the guy is probably the best running back in the NFL over the past 10 years i just cant quite understand the criticisms.
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