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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. I love it when people just can’t wait to start a thread, without even using the search function to check if there is an existing thread to post in, and can’t even spell the subject’s name correctly. I’ve seen 3 in the last 2 weeks! Jesus guys. If you can’t even be bothered to proofread the TITLE of your thread, do you derserve to be taken seriously?
  2. Don't title your post like that. This is a prediction based on no evidence.
  3. Doug still sucks but I guess I can respect this move, grudgingly.
  4. Life lesson: never ever go to New Jersey.
  5. Cool now down to what? Two running backs plus dimarco? And I cannot stomach too much more of tolbert.
  6. I think they are saying that he does not have the most compact stride. Which is true, but such a minor issue it barely warrants discussion. Zay is now making big improvements and hopefully the injury doesnt set him back. Loved the pick when it was made, and still do. And that play by Skrine was bush league. He has always sucked. Barely a replacement level player.
  7. Only? So he was supposed to light it up right away game 1 his rookie year? Good grief indeed.
  8. Defense completely gassed by the 3rd quarter. Tackled like pop warner kids as a result. Offensive playcalling was atrocious. All those 3 and outs add up and kill your whole team, offense and defense.
  9. He is money. Made this dumpster fire almost worth watching.
  10. I can stomach a loss but these guys quit. Thats a bit harder to swallow.
  11. Refs have lost control of this game too.
  12. Yes. Burleson isnt bad they should throw him on there more.
  13. Free play yo why not chuck it?
  14. Inside of his shoulder probably looks like a bomb went off.
  15. Whether he penned it himself or had representatives choose the words used, he certainly still authorized its release either way. He did not have to put out anything at all. The hate for this guy is irrational.
  16. In the case of Hyde, Green Bays front office is not that smart. Having an all-world QB like Rodgers effectively masks a lot of their mistakes.
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