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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Lol really? This opinion from someone who regales us with LAMPs on his opinions on catholicism. On a football message board. the irony is astounding.
  2. You calling out stupidity is too rich.
  3. How’s the weather in fantasyland? Christ where do these posters come from?
  4. Guy looks excellent and learned from the best...not surprising at all. But it isn’t like BB was ever in a million years going to trade him within the division, much less the conference. Jimmy G would never be ours unfortunately (unless we woulda drafted him....)
  5. Should be a poll post but yes. Relatively of course.
  6. Wonder if OJ is available. Probably in pretty good shape too after all those years in the slammer. Plus he once played for the bills too!
  7. Goddamnit i thought this trash got locked up by the mods last night.
  8. Nah I say start Webb. Easily just as good of an idea.
  9. They played mentally strong for a solid 3 quarters after getting jobbed left and right. It’s a start.
  10. There is a playoff thread literally right above this on the first page. Why
  11. Hey it’s a player you’ve heard of! Better sign him immediately.
  12. You really should just go. And lay off the caps lock. Idiot
  13. BR is trash and reading it will kill your brain cells. Do yourself a favor.
  14. ^^ This. I think that uni combo would look great.
  15. Yeah seems like the idea of a coaching change after this season is a non-starter. Rodak threw it in to rile up the fans. I mean, I know the Bills are kinda bad, but they're not the Browns.
  16. Lol and I am the supposed tough guy. You’re handle is right on point.
  17. Nah don’t know how long the defense is going to hold up I say take the points.
  18. Sorry too strong a word. Should have used knee jerk morons.
  19. Oh there are several holding their tongues right now that wanted him BENCHED after 4 games. Cowards.
  20. Zay’s terrible though right guys?
  21. Eh I think Cadet is fine in that role.
  22. Oh look, you’re LAMP didn’t get merged. Happy?
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