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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Really shouldn’t cut and paste the entire thing here, even if you include the original link.
  2. Many draft “experts” have been quoted to that effect. Yours is the fairly unique opinion if you think he’s the top QB coming out. Your reasoning behind that?
  3. You’re talking like they would have to trade away ALL their picks to move up. They can move up and still most likely have one 2nd, one 3rd and their late round picks this year. Secondary needs can still be addressed. And you want to keep these picks yet draft a 3rd rounder at pick 22. Wow.
  4. Yup. Dana (and you) got it exactly right. People talking about saving picks and taking Rudolph at 22 are blowing my mind. Trading up is “bad” and “wasteful” but taking a guy 60 picks too early is a-okay with them? The mind reels at the absolute stupidity.
  5. Still waiting on that evidence that Beane was bad with players in Carolina...
  6. Right he doesn’t. Wilson was clocked at 55mph throw velocity at combine. Mayfield hit 60. ?
  7. Could care less what NE does in the draft, but Mayfield at 7 sounds good to me.
  8. In re option 2 - the idea that there will be a “next year’s” version of a Cousins or Manning FA acquisition is mighty wishful thinking. Top echelon QBs do not come available every year via free agency. It’s much rarer than that.
  9. Meh. The current projected line is not great but both Wood and Incognito were in sharp decline and while it would have been nice to hang onto Glenn, he is a constant question mark nowadays due to injury history. Address the holes with one or two picks in the draft and I think the OL will be fine.
  10. I guess not enough of us laughed at the OP’s idea the first time he started a thread on it so he had to post another one. Should be in the TOS: only one thread per dumb idea.
  11. Uh it was widely reported why they didn’t keep Garoppolo. They couldn’t. Not without guaranteeing him the starting job in the near future. Couldn’t do that with Brady entrenched still. Jimmy rejected their extension offer. You miss the news that week or something?
  12. Man people are trying to brand their message board posts now? God what’s next? Is OP going to incorporate a theme song in all his future posts? The cringe is off the charts with this one. when did stuff like this creep in here? Was it a thing at BBMB?
  13. Man you said it. Wouldn’t envy Tyrod/Darnold/whoever with that WR unit. Crazy that Gordon’s probably the most well balanced of the bunch ((currently)).
  14. I’m sure OBJ would be happy with the market if this happens.
  15. Wow 3 whole links and 2 of them mention the friggin’ cheap hottub. I guess we got our answer. Buy a hottub and you will never LEAD MEN.
  16. Because it’s my opinion that he’s speaking in code and vagaries when referring to why he can’t stand this kid he doesn’t know from adam. And also my opinion that if you’re going to hate on someone that hard you should have the equipment to clearly state the REAL reasons why. I’m not buying the one’s provided and can’t believe anyone else would, you included.
  17. Have it your way thurm. So what qualifies a QB as a “leader of men”? You’ve dropped that little gem of code on us a few times. or better question: what disqualifies Rosen from being (or developing into) a “LEADER OF MEN”?
  18. I am arguing over the lack of points here chief. And I wasn’t aware I had to agree with OP or “move on.” Maybe take your own advice if you can’t stand a little banter over football.
  19. Oh hey he’s in here too. Good times. And now he knows Beane’s draft chart! where’s rudolph on Beane’s chart?
  20. In other words, you have none beyond a handful of youtube clips of talking heads. What a joke buddy. If I showed you a picture of Rosen in a MAGA hat, would your tune change? I bet it might. Keep this going though. Keep digging that hole for yourself.
  21. Define “lots” and name some of these sources you’re relying on. You say there are many.
  22. Maybe because you seem biased and pig-headed on the subject? That may be why people don’t believe you. Just tell us why you really hate the kid will you? Or are you just trying to drag out this thread for as long as possible?
  23. The guy claims he wants the type of transformative contract that Cousins received, to set a new bar for WR contracts in the future. If that’s true he really needs to do a better job of keeping his head down and off social media. He’s probably already blown his chance with the latest pictures/video.
  24. Chark going about 20 picks earlier than 53 I think.
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