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Posts posted by JoPar_v2

  1. 59 minutes ago, Zerovoltz said:

    Thanks....I've always enjoyed my interactions here....and I HATE douchebags who won't eat the crow they deserve.  I know I come off as a douche here and there, but I try and be objective and I'll eat my crow....bad as it tastes.  ( I HATE being wrong!)

    Good sport, but you’re not objective with regards to the Chiefs and it doesn’t appear you make any effort to even attempt to be. Which is fine, they’re your team and you can homer all you want. But don’t try to slip in some comment about “objectivity.”

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  2. 57 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Actual Bills fan thunk it,  that would be understandably unfamiliar territory for you, but I digress,  Go Bills!!!!

    No sorry, but I encourage you to try again. Every borderline insane opinion is not a valid “bills’ fan” let’s go buffalo-approved one just because they try to paint an Allen compliment in through the back door.

    14 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    No the OP is right... Mahomes has lost 6 games now in his career.  He must be aweful don’t trust that fake news 111 passer rating 

    Truly his reckoning is upon him. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, downunderbill said:


    Post after post, only pointing to the negative is the very definition of pessimistic, see below. 

    1. tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
      "he was pessimistic about the prospects"

    I, too, can use a dictionary. And where am I, “post after post” being negative on Allen? Check the game threads. Great passes? I say so (i think i’ve even called some *gasp* perfect passes!) but bad passes? I also say so. So if that somehow makes me a pessimist, okay. I think i am a realist and Allen is a mid-tier QB right now and people starting threads trying to drag down the great QBs to try to tie them closer to Allen are deluding themselves and polluting the board. You’re free to disagree.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Go back through my posts and you'll See plenty of critique.  I just don’t go out of my way to hijack threads to do so.

    I am not hijacking the thread bud. I do think the OP’s premise is terrible, that’s all. 

    Just now, downunderbill said:


    I don't think many people think he's a finished product at all, far from it, but his career is 16 games old. The pessimists, or realists as you like to call your selves, are the same as the more optimistic members just at different ends of the spectrum.

    In the end it's just entertainment, the Bills are 4-1, and some choose to enjoy the game and the Bills. 

    So looking at his very short career as a realist = pessimist now huh. 

    funny thing is I am optimistic about Allen’s future; i can also be realistic about what he’s done so far. I know homers can’t grasp this...but really I hope you do someday

    • Sad 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, timekills17 said:


    I'm not sure whether to give you credit for being obstinate, or pity you with the "whoosh" gif.


    Let's pretend it's the second one, and I'll try and explain.

    Although the quick judgements for the recent QBs are clearly not the end of the story, the comments on those that entered 2014 and earlier are pretty accurate and damning (minus Teddy, perhaps.) Thus, taken holistically, it is a fair representation on the dearth of good QBs in the league.

    We tend to lament the poor offensive line influx in recent years. Is it the lack of OL talent, or the lack of QB talent? Or - more likely - do both affect each other?

    Lotta big words and big ideas there. Not sure why you, who has obviously thought about this way more than the OP has, are defending that ridiculous original post. my only point was boiling all these other guys down and pointing at Allen and saying, basically, “SEE, he is the best” is not helpful, informative, or even interesting. I like Allen a LOT. I am genuinely excited to see how he develops. He doesn’t need a million online bully buddies to defend him. 


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. Just now, oldmanfan said:

    Pretty accurate though.  It must hurt that it goes against your dislike for Allen.

    i don’t dislike Allen though, you see. Allen qb’s my team. I dislike people’s narratives about Allen - people that like to think he’s a finished product (or close to it) and that perceived shortcomings are all the faults of his teammates.


    I like Allen. More than I thought I would. But realistic criticism of him has no place apparently. Especially here with people like you. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  7. 1 hour ago, MJS said:

    So is there anyone else out there who thinks Lynn is a good coach?


    I've been saying all along that there's nothing special about him. He got handed a lot of talent, including a Hall of Fame caliber QB, and his teams have always under produced.


    I'd take McDermott any day over him. McDermott took his 1st year team to the playoffs with barely any talent and Tyrod Taylor behind center.

    I do not think Lynn has the minerals to be a head coach and never did. Very well liked by players, sure. But nowhere near the complete vision that someone like McDermott has.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Hebert19 said:

    Goff.  Overrated.  Wentz overrated.  Flacco and ben done.  Brady done.  Mayfield *****.  Rosen *****.  Trubisky. *****. 


    Need I go on?


    Rodgers brees (also almost done) mahomes Watson and Wilson.  Rest very average to poor. 

    so not all of them. Brady’s “done?” He looked bad against the Bills sure. So its:







    and the rest are trash. Got it.

  9. 1 minute ago, Bills2ref said:

    Oh I hope this is true. I have been drooling over that matchup all year. 

    They did name him the starter for the remainder of the season just the other day. Then they bench him today mid-game. So who knows. Pretty sure they don’t know either. If the goal really is to tank and lose I’d say keep Rosen in, I suppose? Really neither of those QBs have a snowball’s chance with the talent around them.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Scott7975 said:


    I only seen the second half but yes, he did have a good game.  I still think people would roast Allen for some  of that stuff.  See above comment.

    Yeah certain people would for sure. I think the type of stuff Mahomes was trying to pull off today, rather than Watson, would get Allen killed moreso. The hero ball stuff is almost always judged retrospectively by most fans. If it works (for Mahomes, it mostly has) it’s great. When it doesn’t (for Allen, it’s been a mixed bag) the guy catches more flak. 

    i’d rather just see Allen develop his own game and not try to emulate Watson or Mahomes. Both of the latter have shown even they are vulnerable.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Scott7975 said:


    Watson is good but at the same time, If Allen had a passing game like that people would be calling it bad, hero ball, shouldn't have thrown that etc.  He did have 2 picks today vs 1 TD.

    I have to disagree. I bad pick into double coverage yes. Plus he had more than 1 TD. Watson played a great game (not amazing.)

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