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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Eh. Probably wanted to stick it to Lurie, as he was one of the more outspoken supporters of the protesting players among the owners.
  2. The very blurb that is the subject of this thread proves you wrong chief. He had a positive opinion of Allen’s final drive in practice. Just proves you don’t read Rodak’s stuff anymore and don’t know what you’re talking about.
  3. Lol wow. Apparently if a meaningless OTA blurb report isn’t glowingly positive it must signify some sort of unfair bias or witch hunt by the reporter for some around here. Not a fan of Rodak either, but it seems to me what the OP (and others) really want is the establishment of an echo chamber to reinforce their wishes and unfounded beliefs. Don’t we already have enough of that in other areas of the news? This is what I was talking about recently in another thread when I mentioned the growing army of excuse makers for Allen and was laughed at, accused of being drunk at 7am, etc. A media member posts a less than 100% positive review of Allen’s performance? Well that’s just hackery, Patriot bias, on and on it goes. It really is pathetic. Rodak gave Allen a very positive assessment for the last drive of that meaningless practice. Not enough? Or maybe people are getting more and more upset because Rosen is getting great reviews in Arizona.
  4. Ugh the cringe is off the charts. So friggin’ lame.
  5. I certainly am not actively rooting against allen, why would I? But this kid has more excuses and excuse makers on this board in a month than tyrod had during his whole tenure as a starter. Funny how that is. some bitter sap posted a thread about how rosen was “lookin good” as if that means anything (much like this thread) and some stan just had to ape that guy’s headline word for word and sub in allen for rosen because they heard joe b say allen had a good day in shorts throwing against air as well.
  6. Pfff sure. Allen supporters here (going back pre-draft) have already written a list of excuses for this kid a mile long. It’s pathetic. If and/or when he flames out I will expect you in here front and center.
  7. I love these threads because the moron homers and the allen stans flock in to tell everyone else i told ya so.
  8. how ya feel about that paywall now boys? Seems like ol' JB was listening after all.
  9. Hope he recovers fast, but this looks pretty bad. Obviously had to space out the surgeries. But the red flags are piling up. Hope he bounces back strong. Our WR corps is a disaster.
  10. So trade a proven top flight corner for an unproven rookie yet to play a pro game and get the exact same other 2 first round picks...sure why not.
  11. Can’t listen all I hear is Murph trying to swallow his own fat every 6th word.
  12. When the team doesn’t even make the chance to win a title for 17 years the negativity is deserved. Get over it, baby. Or how bout this? Don’t listen! I appreciate Barnett chiming in and talking with people here, apparently the trolls haven’t scared him off yet. But 7 pages of dancing around the point - the point is not about the paywall, however cheap it may be. The point for many of us pissed about TBN is certain writers who, let’s face it, are Aholes, or at least appear to be based on what they write and tweet. Those couple of writers have poisoned the well for many fans here, partly because they are super bad at even masking their petty gripes with ownership and management. Good critics should be and are able to shade that bias. Your writers, JB, are not. To say the least. So make your paywall $0.10, doesn’t matter. Bucky and Jerry and whoever else goes by a friggin child’s name needs to go first before u get one indian penny out of me.
  13. Worst kept secret was he was a serial cheater who preyed on his female subordinates. At least that’s what I gleaned from the reporting. Am I off-base?
  14. Awful lot of detail for an unsourced rumor.
  15. He’s not wrong though. Kiper was a notable one.
  16. These guys sound like morons. Does anyone actually give a flip what kind of clothes Baker Mayfield wears? That factors in? Really? no wonder these waterheads insist on anonymity.
  17. That’s a fair opinion then. I just have less faith in most of those guys. No doubt there are some great “lifers” out there. Ozzie comes to mind. But i really can’t crown most of the guys that get regularly cited here.
  18. Please don’t douse the misogynists with facts all at once. Idiots should be spoon fed until they learn to feed themselves.
  19. God. Then F off root for another team. These football “lifers” that you pine after, guys like bruce allen, bill polian, are frigging drunks who can’t read an excel sheet.
  20. Lol the NHL is run like a roadhouse tavern show. Any of those idiots laughing at her is only a plus in my book. Those retards have been trying to break hockey out of being a regional niche sport for how long? F them what have these anonymous chuckleheads done for the sport of hockey in this country? Kept failing franchises in florida and arizona for wayyyyy past their expiration date. Failed to secure lucrative tv deals. Yeah. I think those are the last MFers that should be laughing.
  21. So Russ saved the Bills by orchestrating the sale of the team to the people who made the highest bid? So brave, so bold. jokes aside, if the seedier rumors about his firing end up being true, I could care less what he did, or didn’t, do. He’s a scumbag.
  22. I’m not bent on anything. I said I was waiting for more facts to be released regarding this. YOU claimed to know the timeframes in question, so I asked you. Conveniently you can’t answer, because reasons. Oh you’re another one with “inside info” huh? Sure buddy. You’re sure this activity and investigation has been going on for a while but have nothing to substantiate it. And I guess you know from your souces what the exact behavior was that led to today as well? That’s how you’re certain Russ isn’t a baaaaad man? You’re FOS. And Russ may really be a bad man, I’ll wait for the actual reporters to find out before I pass judgment however. Run along troll. By the way it’s “root for” not “rout for”.
  23. I like Mayock, fellow BC alum. But he’s been wrong before, and often, just like all the other draft “gurus” and “experts.” His positive e v a l of Allen does make me feel a bit better about the pick though, I guess.
  24. Thanks for the random links. Where in any of them do they state the duration of the investigation into Brandon’s extracurricular activities? You’re quite the expert at avoiding people’s questions.
  25. “Routing”...you’re on a roll tonight.
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