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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Wow. No - never did I say or even imply that TO is the one making the distinction between a first ballot HOFer and a player that is forced to wait multiple years. Where’d you even get that from?
  2. Come on man don’t strawman me you’re better than that. No, he doesn’t get anything tangibly special for being a first ballot HOFer. What I am saying is the perception is that the honor is different. The voters feel that way, the media makes the distiction. It’s not just a few football nerds. The perception that he “bounced around” the league is false. He spent 8 years in SF. He left for more money, which is his right. Functionally he basically played for 3 more teams after that, he was done after Buffalo for all intents and purposes.
  3. You may not follow a lot of hall of fame discussion or commentary, but yes, for better or worse, first ballot hall of famers are looked upon differently than those who got in after multiple years of eligibility. Do I agree with that? No, but a distinction is made by plenty of opinion makers, media members, voters and, consequently, fans. So it does matter that TO was unfairly blackballed for a few years, because his body of work is on par with or (in most cases) better than the recent first ballot HOFers from his era.
  4. Lol “he’s just trying to help people”...how can people be this dense.
  5. Awesome and not surprising at all - the PFF guys love Tre.
  6. “Act up”? Really man? More pettiness. Personality may matter to you, and you don’t have a hall of fame vote. Guess what? Those that do have votes have loudly, and repeatedly, said publicly that HOF consideration is performance based. You see now why TO may have a legitimate gripe with these liars? Because if the hall is for the best of the best ON THE FIELD, like they’ve told us, the players, everyone, then icing him for 2 years is pure BS. His football skills were generational and he is one of the very best WR of all time. But yeah, since you don’t like him personally let those lying voters off the hook. That’s pretty douchey too gunner.
  7. “Not that great”...ok pal. see this is why there’s no arguing with some of the homers here. Nothing grounded in reality, no desire to look at something from a different perspective, just obstinate blather. no, no Bills player ever also did all those specific things that TO did. That doesn’t mean that they were better teammates, better men than TO. They had their own issues, which are widely known locally.
  8. SB and playoff wins are not “receiving” stats though in the strict sense. Personally I think wins, including postseason wins are team stats. Fair enough - I hope for your sake then you never find out about all the selfish p***** that were on all those bills teams from the glory days.
  9. Take your homer hat off and look at it from a different perspective, it’s not that outrageous.
  10. Top 5 WR? I’d have to think about that for a bit but Rice, Moss and TO would definitely be in there somewhere.
  11. Already a thread on this homie - the answer as to why they switched may be in there go dig.
  12. Good thing we don’t need your opinion - his career statistics back me up just fine.
  13. That’s a perfectly valid opinion of TO, and probably pretty accurate. Problem is the voters have stated publicly, repeatedly, that personal attitude, relationship to the press, and other off-field concerns are verboten when considering HOF candidates. Peter King, for one, makes this clear every year around vote time. To simplify it for themselves they state that they only consider on-field achievement. Problem is, that is a bald-faced lie. So yes, I do wonder why it took so long for a top-3 all-time WR to get in, if I take the voters at their word. Which, of course, I don’t. Many of them are vindictive, petty, small men who use their vote to voice displeasure at players that didn’t give them enough perceived “respect.”
  14. Good for TO. Never should have had to wait as long as he did for enshrinement, while dingbats like Vic Carucci found any and every excuse to not vote for him. Many, MANY of the current voters need to be booted. Hopefully TO skipping will prompt the HOF to do something about that cadre of out-of-touch, lazy writers.
  15. I think the timing is telling as well. I never knew anything specifically about this CB arrest either.
  16. Well since you want to keep digging that hole... Hapless never said Mayfield was working exclusively with the third string when he replied to you. He just pointed out that Baker was working with the 3s as well (not exclusively, as Allen is). You shout "wrong again" and say he's been working with all 3 units. Well that includes the third stringers, right? So how was our illustrious mod wrong exactly? Also - what is your definition of irony?
  17. Lol you sure put me in my place there dummy. But tell us, why did you use mute “on purpose” instead of moot?
  18. I can get all that for sure. Like I said I am not a fan of Rodak being the ESPN beat for the Bills by any stretch. I’m conflating things because there’s been so much other trash about the Sully/Bucky buyouts, along with other people (not you) in this thread talking about ousting this guy too. Not ideal that a known Pats fan is the beat for the Bills though for sure. It’s always going to skew and undermine any criticism he ever writes about the Bills.
  19. Lol give up the crusade man jesus. the point is MOOT, by the way, not mute.
  20. I must back you up on this one. No one “fishes” for things on twitter. Using that term makes me think they don’t know how twitter works. It just shows up in your timeline. I saw the same thing since I follow Graham. Graham is pretty prolific on twitter and engages with everyone, even (especially?) the trolls. But for him to put this out there now, with everything that’s going on at TBN, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is related to some back office drama as well. I used to love Vic back in the day as well. I lost a TON of respect for him after the TO hall of fame stuff though.
  21. Ok fair enough we are arguing semantics then at this point. I don’t see that bolded quote as backhanded but I can see it being interpreted that way. Like I said I don’t like Rodak especially either but there has been so much grave dancing recently with the Buffalo News stuff that I think everyone needs to chill a bit. It’s not cool when people lose their jobs simply because you don’t like their opinion. I f****d with Sully all the time on twitter, for example. Most of my friends have been blocked by Harrington for similar antics. No one actively lobbied for anyone to be fired however. I don’t want a cadre of beat writers and columnists just reinforcing my opinion all the time, especially if I had (which I don’t) homer tendencies. i would rather have professionals do their jobs and challenge my opinions on our teams.
  22. Pardon? So if that’s your take then where’s the backhanded negative from the piece here? Seems pretty straightforward - allen was inaccurate and bad, then tried again and did better.
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