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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Remember what Beane said about Kaepernick and distractions? Bet he’s thrilled right now.
  2. The reporting of allegations doesn’t make those allegations true.
  3. I’m not denying any of that and I certainly am not sticking up for McCoy if even 10% of those allegations are true. Just saying I don’t know yet who’s responsible for this. Whoever is needs to be buried under the jail for life. but false allegations are made, was my point.
  4. Sarcasm? Because didn’t the partner of a certain SF linebacker admit to making false allegations like just last month? It does happen, unfortunately.
  5. I’m sure legitimate outlets are trying to corroborate this as we speak. These “drama” sites don’t need to do that so makes sense it would hit there first.
  6. Landry’s hatred for the Dolphins and Tannehill in particular is well known by now. Doesn't surprise me that he’d talk up TT just for another opportunity to throw some more indirect shade on his former QB. Needless to say, I don’t believe his opinions on Tyrod are 100% honest.
  7. Beat me to it. This was a week after the 0-8 loss in Cleveland that I also attended with a bunch of friends. The blizzard in Cleveland was bad, the Giants at home was worse. Tailgate was extremely cold, but the real fun was in the seats. That’s when the ice storm began. From my seats, the wind was blowing the ice directly in our faces. Couldn’t open your eyes. Needless to say didn’t stay long for that one. Bills were blown out of course. those 2 games back to back. Weak AF.
  8. Brees should be higher. Bradshaw lower. Other than that it looks okay. Thanks for finding and posting OP!
  9. So true. If you really want to melt your brain you should sit down and read PFT. So many mistakes, typos, etc. in almost every post. I guess Florio can’t hire a proofreader.
  10. Guess his “vigorous” appeal fight didn’t work out. Another cheating Patriot - I am *shocked*
  11. Personally and selfishly I want to see what he can do asap, but I trust the current coaches.
  12. Yeah trying this new app out now after I’d been using tune in for years. Thing sucks.
  13. So much for Goodell’s “mandatory” 6-game policy for first offenses related to domestic violence or sexual assault. Just the latest example of the league being absolutely FOS.
  14. Getting fired up over literally nothing. Coach rankings? These are things cooked up during the summer dead time to get clicks OP. Cmon man...
  15. Eh. The study looks at some interesting metrics, but cooking them together does not in any way equate to measuring relative “fandom.” Of course the study’s author uses that term to get pub and recognition. If the study was titled “Average purchasing power amongst major American media markets” I doubt it would garner a second look.
  16. 1. Peterman starts week 1. 2. Josh Allen starts sometime before the bye week and gets eaten alive. 3. Micah Hyde is an all pro safety by the end of the season, in which the Bills go 5-11.
  17. Already suspended an entire season correct? So next one is indefinite. Who needs those mid round picks though amirite?
  18. Quite a week for KWII. 2 separate arrests, something like 10 different charges total. Trying to break a record or something???
  19. Very telling. So do you really dislike his behavior on twitter or do you dislike his political leanings?
  20. His twitter “persona” was a plus for me. He gave trolls on twitter exactly what they deserved - they don’t deserve to be reasoned with he was crass sure and shut them down best he could. Made me want to read his actual work even more.
  21. This is exactly right. People get so PO’ed about a Bills line haven’t the faintest idea about how Vegas works or what the handicappers are trying to accomplish. They aren’t Bills “haters” claiming that the Dolphins are 6 points better than the Bills, or whatever. Stop taking it that way.
  22. This is a fantasy football profile yes? So I can understand why it’s pretty brutal. Seriously would any of you take any current Bill in your fantasy leagues? Besides McCoy maybe?
  23. Never once asserted that TO is “blameless,” in fact, I said that most of the negative opinions of his personality are probably justified. The HOF voters have a responsibility to look past that stuff however; and they put that responsibility on themselves when they adopted their criteria. I am not going to let them off the hook because TO was flamboyant.
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