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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Doesn’t look too bad...’course it will all come down to the QB play (as it always does.)
  2. He basically gave the whole story. Local media reported last week that ZJ was out not due to his initial offseason knee procedure, but due to a serious laceration caused by the hotel incident that doctors had trouble closing and cleaning up. His placement on the NFI list by the team backs this up. I remember there was some initial confusion when camp opened; national media reported his absence and some of them assumed it was due to the football-related surgery. That’s why I get my Bills’ news from here ?
  3. This move was probably needed. I just hope I don’t read all the Zay haters claiming that they “love” this move. Seems to this point CC is just a faster Zay (based on bodies of work.)
  4. Let’s not bring facts into this lynching now the sheep will get upset.
  5. It’s clear he’s learning but yes - currently he’s terrible. They are flat out wrong about several things a day. Need to script their show a lot better.
  6. So why’d he really leave then?
  7. Great idea thank you!
  8. Thanks fair enough I’ve spoke to quite a few people who work there since this Russ thing broke and they haven’t said anything like that to me...yet. Maybe they are holding out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Uh yes...that would be the issue at my employer and probably most employers of New Era’s size...not sure why that is laughable. Unless you’ve worked at a place with a particularly horrible boss I can’t believe you’d be surprised at that fact. Are you the 3rd Koch brother? And of course it’s about optics, not trust. Heard from who? I have several family and friends working there, young and old and I’ve never heard that from them chief.
  10. Exactly. No one is saying he can’t or shouldn't work again. But it doesn’t look great that he was thrown an executive level position by one of his buddies 2 months after being forced out for inappropriate behavior. Oh and that buddy happens to run one of the Bills’ most prominent corporate partners. Should he work again? Absolutely. But New Era probably should have felt this out a little more before setting up his phone line and office and then lying about it. (Same goes for Delaware North, or Dunn Tire, or any other highly visible Bills’ partner.)
  11. Why isn’t it likely that other executives and rank-and-file got wind of this and made a stink, so Koch reversed course? That seems like a perfectly reasonable explanation.
  12. Sometimes bad QBs are just bad.
  13. Nor should they. The timing of it just seems less than ideal. Oh well. New Era will need to comment on this eventually; the press isn’t just going to forget about it after the CEO hangs up on them a couple of times. this news reminds me - there never was really any follow up news on the allegations following Brandon’s resignation, was there? One would hope so.
  14. I don’t think he should be permanently ostracized either. It just seems a bit awkward that one of the Bills’ biggest corporate partners hired the guy that was unceremoniously shown the door a few months ago.
  15. I hear the CEO and Russ are buds so it makes some sort of sense, but the Pegulas (especially Kim) can’t be too thrilled with New Era here right?
  16. Whaley passing on Mack is why Whaley is wack. Unforgivable.
  17. Don’t rookies sign some sort of “pre-agreement” or insurance prior to signing their rookie contracts that allows them to do things like mini camps, structured workouts, i.e. all the things Allen has done with the team up to this point? So isn’t it possible he has been around working with the team, even without having signed his contract? Obviously training camp is different, and he needs to sign before he can report to that.
  18. Seems like in all the Allen threads one of the first things defenders say is, “well he’s got drive, look where he came from, etc.” I don’t think anyone has ever questioned his drive (OTOH, the same people seem quick to dismiss Rosen on the same grounds.) What makes people worry about Allen is talent, plain and simple. His accuracy, his awareness and decision making are all suspect coming into the league. I hope he can improve those, but I’m not terribly confident he will.
  19. Riter is top notch. He must have mended fences he was on last Saturday talking about some on-air bet he made in 2003. Better than 85% of their current on-air talent that’s for sure.
  20. We get it! You think this is your playground. And you’re sick of 4chan or reddit or wherever you came from. I’ll mark you down as a troll and move along.
  21. Fleur-de-lis probably can’t be trademarked. It’s ancient.
  22. I know you’re fighting hard to be the board’s top troll, but this reeks of trying just a little too hard. ”It represents a weapon”? What weapon?
  23. You’re assuming there is no evidence against him because no evidence has been made public, yet. You’re allowed to make that assumption, but it doesn’t mean the same as what you’re saying.
  24. Of course there is evidence of a crime. The woman’s face is pretty convincing evidence that some sort of assault happened. And how do you know that police aren’t “building” evidence? Just because they didn’t update you? Counselor please.
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