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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. I agree with you about Mowins; I was not a fan at all. Still doesn’t mean a couple of other ladies can’t come in and do much better. The track record is bad so far, but that track is short. Just Mowins basically. We’ll see I have prime so I am gonna listen to them just out of curiosity. But you may well be right.
  2. I guarantee he does not know how silly that sounds, and if challenged there are numerous echo chambers on the internet that he can slither back to to reinforce his ideas.
  3. I think i’ve heard about that story...
  4. Only on the Amazon Prime stream Is what I heard but not 100% on that.
  5. But Captain Marvel has always been a woman bro.
  6. Nothing scientific about my opinion, but if I hurt your feelings I apologize. Probably a big Ian Eagle fan, am i right?
  7. Pretty sure he meant that both Kramer and Storm have a lot of experience in sports media generally.
  8. 90% of the current male commentator teams suck. I think it’s long overdue to see if any females can do better.
  9. Weird there was any trade value there at all. Only scenario I can think of is Beane’s connections down there told him at some point in the past that they’d be interested in Newhouse if he didn’t work out up here.
  10. I don’t know - I am sure there are plenty of people out there (especially on twitter) promoting your 2nd point above, but I’ve seen a lot of genuine praise for Allen as well.
  11. You’re free to leave. Learn the rules
  12. I bet Zay would at least know how to use the search function
  13. Rodgers has a hamstring issue in the other leg now in addition to the knee; If I were GB I would be thinking long and hard about even sending him out there this week.
  14. Riveron seems to be in way over his head and is overstepping his mandate on a regular basis. Last year, Riveron hijacked replay review and completely ignored the “clear and convincing” evidence standard for overturning calls on the field on several occasions (remember the KB non-catch?) This year, if you believe the Post’s report, Al and his refs are again ignoring the spirit of the rules and applying their own skewed interpretations to words like “unnecessary” and basically calling everything. Riveron’s weekly “teaching videos” are being called ridiculous and useless by NFL-partnered media like PFT. Retaining Riveron is yet another failure of Goddell and the owners. He may be a nice guy and I am sure the league wants stability at that position after Blandino bolted, but Riveron is a proven stooge at this point.
  15. No. 1 receiver? No. If he fixes the ball-tracking and drop issues he may become a servicable outside burner in 3- and 4-receiver sets.
  16. Plus a young starting outside linebacker and #1 cornerback as well in Milano and White. Functionally the team is young at many starting positions. I don’t really see a problem with McDermott’s characterization.
  17. It’s documented. You’re just uninformed. Look at link provided in this thread (and others.)
  18. Guy was a beast today. Very nice to see vintage Jerry.
  19. Lol please kid. You want to start snarky **** and you can’t take any in return. I think it’s you that needs a break and maybe a lesson or two.
  20. 4) don’t start snide threads pointing and laughing at other dumb threads that should have never been started.
  21. There are some actual relevant reasons to question Rosen and you named them. Not talking about those. The ones I am talking about are those overblown things.
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