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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Thanks grandpa I’ve been thoroughly cowed. Have another one.
  2. Again maybe you need to look that word up too - I am not crusading for anything. I don’t want him benched; I didn’t say drafting him was a mistake. I think you maybe read way too much into what I said. I have patience with regards to Allen and I hope you’re right. The whole thread was about Allen’s progression, up to this point. That’s all I was commenting on.
  3. I’ve no issues if you and Teddy want to be dicks and trolls. I don’t expect anything more for you two anyway.
  4. Big boy knows how to use a thesaurus. Good for you champ.
  5. The refs are almost always bad. Best thing to hope for is they call both sides equally terribly (which they didn’t today.)
  6. Yeah I know words are hard. Especially 3 syllable ones. Better just use a gif instead. Tool.
  7. Thanks and yes it certainly would have qualified had it not been called back. It was one of the few throws that he’s completed where his arm strength obviously played a big factor. A Keenum probably does not fit that in there.
  8. Again when I talked about his throws I said throws of consequence. That throw was very nice. It also was of no consequence to the game because it got wiped out. Look obviously you disagree with me but please don’t pick and choose my words.
  9. Not crusading at all bro - just obviously saying things that got you triggered. Look - be an Allen stan all you want if it makes you feel good. I just made a couple of on topic obversations. I even opened my post with a compliment about the kid. So no I am not crusading for anything. I don’t want to see him benched; I want him to get better. Just don’t know if he will.
  10. Both of those excuses are provably false. And no one is making grand judgments about the kid - this thread (if you bothered to read the title) is about seeing improvement and progress. From week 2 to today. All some of us are saying is no, we haven’t seen any appreciable progress. I agree with you - he isn’t “scared.” Whatever that means.
  11. No. He only attempted one today. And it looked like the same horrible deep balls he’s attempted in the last few weeks. So no. Not sure how you misread that but I see no improvement on his deep ball, especially outside the numbers throws.
  12. Oh Wayne you’re always so witty. Such a treasure to the board.
  13. Only saw the one today yes but he’s put a few out there like that in the past few weeks and they looked pretty much exactly like the incompletion today.
  14. I got you but my original comment was related to throws of consequence. Obviously a play wiped out via penalty can’t have any consequence on the game. If he puts more of those throws out there and they actually count, I’ll change my tune for sure. Right now I just haven't seen enough to justify anyone who continues to point to his arm strength as a tool that we should all be salivating over still. Means nothing to me if he continues with the accuracy and awareness issues. Hey maybe he just has bad coaches. I am starting to think that may be a bigger problem than most of us realize.
  15. Sure does. But you’ve got to be accurate on those short to intermediate throws as well in order to take advantage of your arm strength to fit in into those windows. I see Allen still throwing behind receivers, at their feet, or throwing late and missing his window on those short routes, in effect negating that potential ability to fire balls in there with his arm strength.
  16. Yes the throw that was wiped away today was a showcase of his arm - shame it didn’t count. The McCoy throw was a bad decision that worked out and that throw didn’t really travel that far in the air - Allen did find a throwing lane through the backside of the defense though and muscled it out there so good for him. I am not exactly hoping for repeats of those types of plays though. He also tried to do the same thing to the end zone and threw an embarrassing pick.
  17. Sorry I haven’t seen it. Meaning: I haven’t seen a splash passing play from Allen that a hypothetical starting QB with a perfectly “average” NFL arm could not also make. I wasn’t clear enough in my earlier post maybe. His deep balls have been terrible. They look like intentional throw aways.
  18. The only thing i’ve seen so far that has been “as advertised” and has actually helped the team is his running ability. For such a big kid he is very fast and surprisingly elusive when he gets to the 2nd and 3rd levels on the run. The arm strength is obviously there as well - and I haven’t seen it contribute to any plus plays thus far. Allen’s simply too raw, too skittish, too inside his own head and way too inaccurate for his cannon arm to make any sort of difference. Blame his weapons (they are getting open), blame his line (they are protecting adequately) all you want. You’re just making excuses and sticking your head in the sand.
  19. Allen bails the pocket even faster than tyrod. Completely shook. And no it’s not the offensive line’s fault.
  20. I think they agree with you and are running their offense through barkley. At least they should.
  21. I mean, the guy’s analysis is okay, even if it is of the cherry-picked variety. Really don’t see the point of putting this out now, however. If the message is “hey, remember I told you Allen is raw and hasn’t shown the ability to do x, y and z” and follow it up with this 4 starts into his career, then well, okay I guess. Not sure even the most ardent Allen supporters would argue “oh he’ll be polished up by week 5 don’t worry.”
  22. I mean, I’d be patient and perfectly calm if I had any faith that McDermott and Beane could successfully manufacture a teardown/rebuild. I just don’t. That’s based simply on what I hear coming out of McDermott’s mouth. He’s a dinosaur. He’s the type of guy I imagine Ralph would hire if he was still around. He’s the furthest thing from someone like McVay that you could possibly get.
  23. I mean Sal’s not wrong. Jeremy’s question was stupid - obviously you “find one” either in the draft or through free agency. No one in today’s league is going to trade a great WR1 unless they are a serious malcontent or outright criminal. God I hate Jeremy White.
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