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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Ok i got you - yeah I didn’t read that as seriously as you did. Seemed completely satirical, not presented as fact. But if you read it differently, all good. Edit: and if in some universe that were true about McDermott, this team is in more trouble than I thought.
  2. Post sounded satirical to me. Even if it wasn’t, calling 2 guys religious doesn’t sound offensive or damaging to their reputations. I.e., not libelous.
  3. Just a guess, but maybe Allen is looking for guys to be “college open” and that’s why we see so much hesitation. Once he learns and gets comfortable with the smaller windows in the NFL (or gets an insane weapon like tyreek hill) we’ll see some drastic improvement.
  4. I mean the QB may be a problem too, but there’s no harm in bringing a proven vet in to help judge that. We already have somewhat of a malcontent in the WR room with Benjamin; I don’t think Dez Bryant is going to hurt things much.
  5. And I am okay with a HC having that sort of power if they earn it. McDermott has not. Belichick did not either right away in NE and he actually had HC experience prior to going there. BB worked with Scott Pioli and others at first and learned how to do it. I just don’t think the Pegulas want to put in the effort to go out and find those kinds of good personnel guys so they shoveled all the power onto McDermott’s lap.
  6. They are just frustrated snap judgments. Not trolling. The offense looks worse than non-competitive, it looks like a farce. People are within their rights here to question that.
  7. And if that’s the case that’s dumb. He shouldn’t have Belichick power; far from it.
  8. Been pretty bad for a while now. Tennessee goes cheap on coaching though. Probably has something to do with it.
  9. As am I. They aren’t terrible; McDermott obviously knows defense. They need to cast a wider friggin net though. Beane needs to start getting players HE wants and not having to clear everything though McDermott (just speculation, but that’s sure how it seems to work currently.)
  10. See? Called it. These calls are making it awfully hard on defenses. Bills’ defense actually look like they are on top of things - they just went high and for the ball today against Watson and it worked.
  11. Whoops. Hit the wrong promo. No I don’t agree with that. Way too early to pass final judgment on Allen. More worried about the front office philosophy at this point. Like I said, they seem to hit on defensive players. White, Taron, Phillips, Edmunds to a lesser extent. They need to show me they can hit on those players on the offensive side.
  12. So SIX years? No big deal. Assuming I am talking about Allen? No man. I am talking about getting competitive receivers, a decent center and maybe a guard and a right tackle. Oh and a replacement for McCoy. Not even talking about Allen. Never hated the guy. I want to give him the tools to succeed. EDIT: a stud tight end would help out a lot as well.
  13. Maybe not. Depends on if this front office can reprioritize its draft strategy and a few other things. If they can figure out how to find offensive playmakers in the draft and really invest picks in the O, maybe they can turn it around in one year. I don’t think McDermott will do this though.
  14. He didn’t stink. He looked raw at times and made a few nice throws. Not good enough obviously.
  15. Good thing too...because it’s going to take the offense 3 years at least to look anything like it belongs in the league.
  16. A good defense will still keep you games. But...I think you hit something on the rule changes. I think you gotta build a better defense than the Chiefs. But, with those rule changes, I think teams that win actually need to prioritize offense more than defense. The rules are already skewed to make the offense look good. I think you can do very well for yourself in today’s NFL with a mediocre defense and a good offense. That’s what makes me upset about Buffalo more than anything else. They don’t adapt. They are still trying to win as if it’s 1985.
  17. He’s also getting no help from his defensive teammates and he was still undefeated until now.
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