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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. I don’t know, something tells me this writer and his experts can explain it better than, say, some message board muppet who is afraid of numbers and analysis and uses the “eyeball test” to figure out what’s good and not so good.
  2. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B. he’s certainly appears checked out. Dumb trade from day 1.
  3. 3.9 YPA. That’s historically bad. This article reeks of contrarian pot-stirring. Don’t really expect much better from TBN nowadays though.
  4. The penalties! Thank u for also mentioning it. Week 9 and penalties are still out of control. Talent level on offense is bad? Okay I get that; it certainly can’t be fixed midseason to any significant degree. But the penalties (which were also a problem under Rex) are mostly about discipline and that is definitely on the coaches.
  5. Didn’t the Bills set some sort of record for penalties or penalty yardage this week? In week 9? Granted, I know that 2 were big yardage penalties on Gaines, but this is the type of thing that makes some of us question the coach.
  6. I know it’s a requirement, but I just wish McDermott would just stop doing these pressers. He doesn’t say anything of substance besides rattling off the injuries at the beginning. everything else just serves to make some people mad. I understand he’s buttoned up and isn’t really going to expound on things or be too critical of his players. I can appreciate that, and I am not his biggest fan to say the least. This is a tough season, and a historically bad one on the offensive side. All that said, he gets another year from me to see if he can turn it around. It’d be a nice surprise if he can.
  7. Not saying SJ was ever a traditional crisp route runner. Stevie used unorthodox ways to get open. Basketball moves off the line, basically. What he DIDN’T use, which was my point, was speed to get open. Lots of ways to be a productive receiver in the NFL.
  8. Guy sounded completely reasonable. Thanks for the repost. Tackle and WR seem obvious, but Merino’s right, if you’re at the top of the 1st round, take the elite talent.
  9. Of course it can. Speed is a factor but only one of many. Watch some old tape of stevie johnson. Jesus. What a question
  10. Yet another yutz that isn’t worried because “we probably found our franchise QB.” Lol me to sleep bro. Allen looks like a bad Jake Locker at this point man.
  11. Wow some of you guys. Guess all of McDermott’s “culture” and “character” talk you all love to defend doesn't matter a lick when jimbo’s blood is involved.
  12. Incomprehensible, including your title. You’re off to a great start.
  13. So just because they took a quarterback high in the 1st round of the draft, they’ve found a franchise QB?
  14. Hope you’re right. As far as the draft goes, I can totally see this coach taking a DT in the 1st. Almost confident enough to put money on it. McDermott has no clue (as far as offense goes.)
  15. All of the things he listed are, to one degree or another, illegal. What he said was what Kaep (and Reid) participated in was: disruptive? Maybe; controversial? Surely. But illegal? No. So why is the punishment more severe?
  16. Good luck OP. Only McCoy has value at this point and he’s concussed.
  17. Never on their radar. I doubt we were on his.
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