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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. I mean, that’s debatable. I am not going to dump on Barkley because he came in and was clutch as hell against the Jets, but I have my doubts he would’ve had much success throwing against the Jags secondary today.
  2. Uh he had 2 TDs and over 100 yards rushing against the Jets. What game you thinking of? Goes down all the time? Dude he never shed tackles. He always been a elusive, multi-cut back who made people miss cleanly. That’s like, his whole game man. He was stood up at the line all day today because the run blocking was poor (against JAX’s front 7, that’s understandable.)
  3. Did you think that 2 weeks ago after the Jets game?
  4. Came off the bench and threw punches? I mean honestly I don’t know the NFL rule but he probably should be.
  5. Ok honestly I think I get what you’re trying to say now. Cam can be inconsistent; he’s had some recurring accuracy issues especially over the years. But you can’t deny the highs with Newton are very, very high. When he’s on he’s MVP caliber.
  6. Interesting. So you’d rather have Nick Foles than Cam Newton? By your hilarious standards Nick would be better after all.
  7. Spot on. The one thing I hoped to see today, I did. Before the injury, Allen would bail the pocket a bit too quickly and, worse, he would often bail straight back, giving himself no chance to make something happen. Today, he slid around the pocket much better, and moved laterally to open something up (most often a scramble, but still, positive yards.) That was excellent. That was the number 1 thing I wanted to see out of him coming back and he was great.
  8. I get it. Allen’s body language and attitude are exactly what you want.
  9. Better receivers yes, but your point on the pass protection just isn’t the case. Hasn’t been the case since the first couple of games. The pass protection is more than adequate now. Did you notice Jacksonville’s line today in pass pro? That is bad. Very bad. This line is performing fine, albeit with some dumb penalties mixed in.
  10. I hope you’re right about Murphy. I was hoping for big things from him as well.
  11. Again not sure I can call that a Kelvin Benjamin-style drop, it was a pretty good recovery and breakup by the defender but okay, that’s one receiving error.
  12. And my only point is, surprisingly enough, these bargain bin receivers are much improved. Foster and Zay especially. Croom makes the occasional play. So while the offense clearly needs more time in the oven, showering praise on Allen while simultaneously excusing away his extremely low passing numbers by blaming his teammates is BS.
  13. Thompson had a ball punched out by the closing defender yes. Stretch to call that a drop and an error. Very accurate ball by Allen though, maybe a split second late.
  14. He said Allen was accurate beyond “receiving errors” and penalties, which don’t count as incompletions anyways (and Allen was burned by 2 calls against his line, not arguing that.) but if receiver errors contributed to his passing line, what were they?
  15. What receiving errors? If you’re gonna absolve Allen and blame the receivers, be specific please. “Receiving errors” sounds like you didn’t watch the game.
  16. I thought Allen played very well - little to no signs of rust after not playing in a while, and the deep passes were on the money. I do have a problem with the widespread sentiment that Allen is somehow doing this all on his own. That’s dumb.
  17. Yet another excellent prediction thread. Spot on. Keep it up OP.
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