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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Well he was a rookie. They felt good enough about him as a tackle to trade Cordy.
  2. I get that but attempting the pin down with the punter still better than the kicker shanking one and giving them the ball at mid-field.
  3. I don’t know why people are complaining about the punt when their place kicker is all jacked up.
  4. Looked like a little read option there...too bad we dont have the o-line to do that
  5. A #1 receiver is one that can consistently beat opponents’ best secondary defenders. Welker was brought up earlier; I wouldn’t consider him a #1 by that criteria since he consistenty lined up in the slot. Definitely one of the best slot (#3?) receivers of all time though. He mastered the kinds of routes those guys need to run.
  6. I heard they made some full-time, but not all. Again, the golden oldies were grandfathered in.
  7. Get rid of the old men and make them all full-time. No more ambulance chasers moonlighting as NFL referees. And de-unionize them
  8. It’s the truth. The guy is one of the few insightful NFL writers still out there. Maybe sit down and read some of his stuff. Peter King has been a shill for the league for at least 10 years. Let me guess, you miss his coffee stories? Awww...
  9. Barnwell is not clickbait. He’s posted more meaningful NFL pieces in the last 3 years than Peter King has in the last 30. Keep homering it up tho makes you look smart.
  10. I love checking this place out and seeing waterheads spouting off stat anomalies as if they are evidence we suddenly have a future hall of fame QB on the roster.
  11. Then we agree after all - both are below replacement-level, garbage wideouts.
  12. Doesn’t matter. He was trash in september and he’s still trash now.
  13. Your ex-head coach is trash; like, a real modern-day idiot. Also, you have had some real attrition in your WR corps that wasn’t replaced. Defense has always pretty much sucked throughout the Rodgers era. Honestly, you guys should have cleaned house and started rebuilding 3-4 years ago. Now you’re screwed. Just being honest! Still love ya IceBowl.
  14. Ha HA! Gotta tell ya this lowbrow BS is so great. Especially the millionth time around. Keep it up boys.
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