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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. A trend? No I see no trend in the handful of names you cherry picked. A list of names that refutes your “point” as much as it supports it, by the way, since there are a mix of former player and non-player coaches on there. What I see is BS anecdotal evidence that proves nothing. Here, I can do it too: Doug Pederson (funny you left him out), Matt Nagy, Tony Dungy, Mike Ditka. Before you insult someone else’s comprehension of English, you should brush up on your basic logic and standards of evidence. People were in here discussing this fairly civilly and you bulldoze in and make it an insuffrable pi**ing match. It’s pathetic.
  2. If that’s the case why are there so many former pro players (of every color) coaching in the league? I mean, if MOST good ones started out exclusively coaching? I see several white players, like Vrabel and Reich for instance, getting hired and seeing success. There’s some reality for you.
  3. Yeah I’m aware I pointed that out earlier. Extreme DUI to be exact. He’s all good though he stays.
  4. Also worth noting: Wilks was in the midst of converting the defense to 4-3. Bidwill and Keim knew he would do this when they hired him; they also had damn well better known that that takes longer than one season to do. They canned him after one anyways. And people here are saying it’s the fired coaches who are “incompetent”? Sorry but that front office in Arizona smells pretty incompetent to me.
  5. I got ya. Yeah I agree. And if Bidwill got antsy then he should have completely cleaned house, not just fire the black coach. Keim has been collecting a paycheck off the back of Arians’ efforts down there for 6 years now. The guy is a stooge.
  6. What’s your point? Many of them were hurt yes. So Keim gets a pass due to injuries but Wilks doesn’t?
  7. I will say this about Wilks - it is kinda BS that the steakhead GM down there Keim, wasn’t shown the door along with him. For Bidwill to stick by that incompetent who was recently arrested for extreme DUI but sign off on axing Wilks after 1 year with a rookie QB is the type of **** that INVITES the talking heads to raise the race issue. It’s just a terrible look.
  8. It ain’t like Koetter got that long in Tampa. And he had to deal with an apathetic, terrible fanbase and an absolute manchild, criminal franchise QB who alienated his teammates and got himself suspended. Where’s the pity for good ol’ Dirk?
  9. Wilkes got the axe quick, but I think that was a course correction - he never should have been hired in the first place; he’s clearly not ready/capable of being a head coach.
  10. There’s killer instinct and there’s being bush league. If you really did play competitive sports you should know the difference. Or you just had ***hole coaches.
  11. Ok yes I was genuinely wondering not trying to undermine anything you said; just a bit confusing since you didn’t quote anyone. and you’re right those stats should be starting points for discussing a QB’s performance, not ending points.
  12. Who are you talking to? Everyone in the thread or someone in particular?
  13. This is bad for Baker. MM is a unimpressive playcaller. Mayfield is a great improvisational QB and MM is going to handcuff him. Bad hire if true but I don’t expect much from Haslem. If this was Dorsey’s hire I’d be surprised.
  14. Are you extrapolating out to 16 games using only his numbers from today? That’s not how it works.
  15. I don’t think McDermott is one to run up the score.
  16. He’s gone. Coughlin clearly over it. And he has enough pull with the owner to cut those ties and not eat **** for it. I don’t want anything to do with LF.
  17. Missed a bunch of it yeah. Last year they were able to compensate better. Mostly Cousins is the reason.
  18. Cousins is the most overrated QB in football. edit: and the Cook injury didn’t help.
  19. They must have done something else besides sit there and look disinterested all game. I mean, that’s bad, but i don’t think it would warrant a public condemnation.
  20. It may be “typical McD” but it had no effect on Allen throwing the pick on the next play. There is no correlation. Don’t invent excuses. Allen played great but he made a bad throw. Then you better get your eyes checked.
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