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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. All current and former PFT guys (including Rosenthal) are terrible. From what I can see this is just a completely arbitrary, subjective ranking? No methodology or analysis behind it at all? Yeah don’t waste your time. PFT is stocked with nothing but Patriot or Jets fans.
  2. Penalized because he’s been elite for so long I guess? Not a good excuse but whatever. Some of these AP voters are nothing but casual fans. Mahomes is the new hotness everyone wants to hop on his jock.
  3. And I acknowledged that. Not sure what you’re adding here that I didn’t say. Overall Frazier has been a very good hire. The defense’s play reflects that. If your boss quits and your company finds a replacement are you “hired” again? Staying true to your handle I see.
  4. He didn’t say rehire, he said hire. Retain and hire don’t mean the same thing. Rehire and retain are closer in meaning. You are twisting words. Who’s playing semantics?
  5. He hasn’t hit on every assistant but Frazier has been a very solid hire so far, with a few hiccups related to play calling early this season notwithstanding.
  6. He was retained by McDermott, not hired. Makes you wonder how much you actually pay attention.
  7. This makes zero sense congrats this is why we need downvotes
  8. Guessing they are doing their evaluations one unit at a time - special teams might be last on the docket.
  9. This is a timely post because Tasker was talking on his radio show earlier today that he would absolutely, positively never go into coaching. Said it is way too hard on the families with the time requirements, moving around, etc.
  10. Block whomever you want that’s why the function exists. What you don’t get to tell others to not quote people in “your” thread. It isn’t your thread once the discussion gets going. Just block and try your very best to ignore the quoted responses. It’s not difficult.
  11. Yeah he’s not going anywhere with the dead cap hit. Tomlin will work out some sort of shaky détente between the 3 of them in the offseason and AB will still throw his usual fits occasionally next season, but he’ll be back. my God for a guy that already got his money, has help around him, a QB throwing him dozens of targets per game, gatorade commercials, amazon commercials, madden covers, he sure seems a bit needy. Definitely feeling himself a bit too much.
  12. The fact that there is like 3 different misspellings of this guy’s name in this thread tells you all you need to know about Ken Toobridges
  13. Absolutely AJ as well good call. Doesn’t say anything. But Sees bush league defenders doing bush league things; takes their heads off. AJ is the man
  14. 1. You didn’t prove anything; 2. This was just a question about “likeable” star wideouts. JuJu is emerging as a star, elite wideout in his own right. Sure it helps him that he has AB lined up opposite him most days. Big deal. There are several other WR2s in the league oppo elite guys as well and they don’t come close to Juju’s production. Is Will Fuller putting up juju’s numbers? Is Calvin Ridley? I didn’t dismiss you because you “proved” anything wrong. I dismissed because you’re off-topic.
  15. JuJu caught 111 for 1400 this year. He’s emerging into elite territory. Without AB? You mean this past game? Who cares?
  16. DeAndre Hopkins, Julio Jones and, well, JuJu at this point. They’re all immensely likeable elite receivers.
  17. A little more insight into the Cardinals’ situation with Wilks from SB nation, if you’re interested: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.revengeofthebirds.com/platform/amp/2019/1/1/18163814/bidwill-and-keim-exposed-and-in-denial
  18. That’s the other possibility with Wilks yes. Keim could have realized he picked the wrong guy (or Bidwill forced the pick on him, I doubt that though.) And maybe he realized it rather quickly and decided to course correct. Even if that’s the case though, it still suggests a bit of incompetence on Keim’s part too. Combined with his embarrassing arrest, that should have been more than enough reason for him to go too.
  19. Incompetent for sure. Racist who knows? I doubt it. But people here are claiming these coaches were fired purely for incompetence, I am just saying, with respect to Arizona, there seems to be a lot of incompetence spread around and it doesn’t look too good to just can the coach.
  20. I don’t think anyone here desires or even suspects Beane will go full Redskins and make some stupid signing that blows up their cap in 4 years. At least I haven’t seen that opinion expressed here.
  21. Nothing to be sorry for you don’t know what you’re talking about. Not a sin. Nagy played football in the arena league for several years. As in, did not go directly into coaching. You picked what? 8 guys? 8 guys to prove your “point” that most coaches did not play any amount of pro football and started coaching from the jump? And you omit the current defending super bowl champion coach in your cherry pickings? Yeah. I am the one that needs to apologize to you. Clearly you should be left alone to spout off nonsense and not be challenged. You’re not ready for it.
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