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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Well based on the OBJ resigning/trading alone, I’d say idiot as well. Unless, of course, it was ownership vacillating and they were the ones directing him to give OBJ a gigantic contract and then trade him 7 months later.
  2. Duke gets an I-incomplete from me until I hear some things about how he’s doing on an NFL with NFL teammates. Agree with House’s other grades.
  3. So maybe change the title to something descriptive?
  4. It’s a reasonable theory, except for the fact that Beane has always emphatically, repeatedly said whenever asked that he does not draft based on need. This year, given the way the 1st round prospects are shaking out, a DT could very well be at the top of their board as BPA at 9. But people really should familiarize with Beane’s available statements on draft philosophy before making threads like these. Suggesting a pick based on need, or what the team did or didn’t do in free agency, just doesn’t align with what the GM has said.
  5. Seconded. Who is this exactly? Not a follower of them.
  6. Browns with the pedal planted firmly on the floor it seems.
  7. Oh yes i agree if it goes like that, yet again, i will be thoroughly disappointed and thoroughly unsurprised.
  8. Not upset at all, just underwhelmed at this point, BUT as you say it’s very, very early. I am not pissed yet at all.
  9. Wow the amount of people trying to talk themselves into this move. Pathetic. This is yet another marginal move by, let’s face it, a marginal franchise in the NFL. Goddamn people.
  10. As expected. Eh almost anything’s better than bortles.
  11. Why oh why do you care? Look if you want someone to blame yes you can blame the media; or, you can rightly blame ralph wilson and terry pegula and the cavalcade of idiot GMs and front office people that couldnt put a playoff team together in 17 years. It’s easy to blame the media, that’s why the stupidest of us does it. case in point this thread.
  12. Lol how is he declining though? Yes he’s getting older but you can’t just throw that out there with absolutely nothing to back that up. Just like you always do. It’s moronic Edit: yes just emoji it instead of providing any evidence. Why the admins and mods put up with your **** i’ll never know. You do you i guess.
  13. On vaca but still living rent free in your head. Who cares what they say? It isn’t any better or worse than what’s been said in this thread already
  14. That’s certainly true ODB for individual scoopmeisters like rapoport but I don’t remember the league itself throwing up something like this on the front page of its website and then it falling apart.
  15. All true and if this is wrong (and it looks more and more that it might be) rapoport is gonna have to make a major mea culpa. Not to mention nfl.com itself.
  16. whether there is truth to this or not, you have to commend the Bills for trying a move like this. Regardless of AB's baggage, he's an elite player that the Bills have too often in the past not gone after. So good for them. Please don't @ me about his age either, he hasn't shown any real drop off yet.
  17. Exactly. Obviously a team like Seattle for example would take him but they dont have the assets and/or space. Team’s like buffalo do because we aren’t paying our QB QB money yet
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