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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. As we all did. Seemed a bit doofy (I saw him about town a lot, especially his rookie year) but a genuinely nice guy.
  2. "Sir, may I refer you to their respective rankings in Madden '17?" Case closed and good day.
  3. Zip it with your facts. How dare you let reality get in the way of this guy's crusade.
  4. It ain't even his YPC though, those definitely come from a smaller sample size. The guy can catch the ball out of the backfield. 70 catches 2 years ago. 50+ the year before that. 61 the year before that. They got away from him last year and he still caught 47. You want to talk about safety valves and easy passes for a young QB? Duke is ideal. career yards per catch almost 10. He wasn't just out there catching busted screens for -2 yards. AND he's still very young.
  5. How could anyone? But yeah your point stands Marrone is a complete dingbat narcissist but he most definitely has not had any luck in the QB department.
  6. He's making all the right moves, made a believer out of me for sure. I never really thought his mindset or attitude would be the thing to hold him back though. Great guy
  7. That is pretty bad. Yes you missed the illustrious Kody Kessler for the Jags last year. Started a few games.
  8. You have a higher propensity for sympathy than me homie, but still good on you. ?
  9. Yes please; always loved his game. Just signed a new contract last year but not too outrageous.
  10. nothing from the beat guys on twitter yet about the visit.
  11. “10000x” the upside huh? Well the guy played for years with a future hall of fame QB and didn’t do much. Yes he’s 20 whole months younger than Brown. That translates to what? Brown’s played one more year in the league than him? Jesus. “Perfect for Allen”? Based on what? Because Allen seemed to develop his best rapport last year with Foster, who is not a WR in Williams’ mold at all. Again you’re clearly biased and not worth the time anymore. Hopefully your stay here is short.
  12. Wow one cherry picked stat. Oh and he’s taller. See that guy above tyrell on your little chart? He’s 5’11”. Same as John Brown. I know you’re new and probably just trolling but try a little harder. you do realize there are 31 other teams are all looking and talking to these guys at the same time as well, right? You seem extra salty about these 2 WRs we picked up simply because they weren’t your preferred guys. The goal, luckily, isn’t pleasing you. It’s improving the team. And make no mistake and listen carefully: brown and beasley are absolutely, positively improvements over what Buffalo had last year at that unit. If you dispute that, then fine. You’d be wrong, but go ahead.
  13. You think tyrell williams is really that much better than john brown?
  14. The Manning stance, IMO, is being dictated by ownership. Mara seems to love being grouped in with the Rooneys as old guard, “classy” owners who respect tradition, act as stewards of the game, etc., blah blah blah. At least that is how media usually groups and describes them. Mara may view that bailing on the long-time franchise QB who hails from one of the league’s royal families and delivered 2 championships as uncouth. of course that attitude is backward AF in today’s NFL and has done them much more harm than good. Bellicheck figured this out a long time ago. He has zero loyalty to players and gives exactly zero **** about how that’s perceived.
  15. Based on what? Seems to be Mayfield is exactly the type of QB Beckham would love to play with, attitude-wise. I also don’t think Beckham is going to complain about lack of targets since they’ll most likely be going to his long-time best friend. But if you have additional info, please share.
  16. Wonder where Breida falls into that equation now.
  17. If they take Metcalf at 9 then I would see that as a problem with their evaluation system, not their draft philosophy. I have no problem with Beane taking BPA every time, all the time. i can’t fathom how anyone would arrive at Metcalf being 9th on their overall board though. The guy ran 2 routes in college, basically. There’s something to be said about raw talent/athleticism, which he certainly has, but a top 10 collegiate player? Those guys should have at least some level of polish to their game as well. DK seems lacking there.
  18. Draft day trades up or down are “possible?” Strong take. Really going out on a limb there. Would have never realized.
  19. Gotta ask: which reviewers were saying Edmonds should be moved from MLB to OLB? Or whereever these reviews said he should be moved?
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