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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Wilson and any other player is “worth” what the market dictates. You may spit at how much athletes make in general, but you can’t sit there and say Wilson aint worth the money RELATIVE to what his contemporaries are making at the position. So, again, provide something else besides vague blue collar feelings of “worth”. My man he’s a well known idiot around here don’t sweat it.
  2. “Maybe” top 5. Name 5 QBs in the league better than him right now. And again with this “handicapping” non-argument. Seriously what has happened around here.
  3. Ah yes the post from the USAtoday blogger who doesn’t even use his last name. Compelling evidence right there counselor. I’d go into correlation does not imply...ah, you know what, nevermind. Why is it so hard to understand this deal is MARKET RATE. The cap goes up every year. Wilson is not, in any possible way, “kneecapping” his team. He IS most of the team at this point. Some of you are so out of touch with today’s NFL it’s truly baffling.
  4. Odd opinion to have, since Wilson has continued his elite play while his team butchered their RB and offensive line situations in recent years. Wilson has what, the 2nd highest QB rating of all time? sorry you just sound like an uniformed hater.
  5. So what you’re saying is...he’s like his cousin. I’ll take that.
  6. Wew this thread is long. AB is going to string out his remaining years catching 60-70 balls in oakland/vegas. Would he have helped? Yes. Am i bothered by the AB situation? Nope Mendenhall wrote a bunch of episodes of ballers though....
  7. AJ Brown is gonna be the best WR out of this draft. Hopefully we get em.
  8. In the span of games he was talking about he was higher than a low QB1 though. Still, I agree with you so far as Allen has to sustain those fantasy numbers for longer than 5 games for me to move him up. Allen had one monster game last year against MIA.
  9. How old is the second tweet? Because didn’t Dee Ford already change teams weeks ago?
  10. The players’ contracts with the AAF weren’t guaranteed (much like the NFL.)
  11. Describes about half the board based on the tone of the threads about him. You’re definitely not alone.
  12. Anecdotal Is it me or are there plenty of threads toting off-the-field stuff that this kid does and pointing to that as evidence he's going to succeed on the field? No? Guess it's just me.
  13. Skins fans are the last ones you should listen to. If there ever was a block o' morons, they qualify.
  14. Personally after the initial free agent rush, I don't like it so much anymore, I'd rather go DT, WR, or TE first. Or trade down and get a OT later in the 1st. But if Jonah is the pick I won't be mad.
  15. Thank you. For the OP and others, if you post a video link about “joe blow’s top x whatever” do the courtesy of listing them for those that can’t watch the video please.
  16. If Rosen had proven himself a little bit more laat year I’d say consider it. Then again if he had done that he probably wouldn’t be available. Right now, based on his pro tape only, he isn’t worth a 2nd round pick.
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