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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Based on body of work? Fitz Based on what’s best for the team currently? Barkley
  2. No you’re absolutely right about the college incident. He plead guilty and got a spat of probation or something. Hunt’s thing was exacerbated by lying to the team, which it seemed like was worse than kicking a woman while she was down (at least to them.) so i have no problem really with them holding off on cutting Hill, although they will. This week. By Friday at the latest
  3. Because victimhood is a hard thing to shake for some people
  4. Assuming your theory is correct, shouldn’t Hill have been on the same short leash program, since he, you know, punched a pregnant woman in the stomach repeatedly? And, if so, shouldn’t he have been cut by now, like Hunt?
  5. Because that’s what happens every year? With every team? Hi, I am Earth, where u from
  6. Suspended for 8 games I believe? So he’s on the commish’s time out team for half the season but after that!
  7. Well, depends on how F’d up the franchise is when you take it over, doesn’t chief? Seems like you’re making false equivalencies just to try to prove your point.
  8. I’d be keen to give them a pass on the Hill/Hunt situations since that was Dorsey and he’s in CLE now but as you correctly point out, they bring in Frank Clark. Kool Aid Man wants his super bowl as head coach by any means necessary.
  9. Pfff. Exhibit A everyone. skipping past the obvious (define “culture”, define “well defined” even christ) you are exactly the type of rube i am talking about. Amazon is successful. Looking at the numbers they may be the most successful company to ever walk the earth. What’s their “culture?” Is it being constantly innovative and smart with their acquisitions? Or is their “culture” exploiting their warehouse workers and other low-end employees? Because they do both. Which is their culture and which is just consequence? How bout Facebook? Pretty successful I’d say. What’s their “culture” that got them there? Was it their focus on connecting as many people (and companies) as possible, enabling good things like the Arab Spring to happen? Or was their “culture” one of collecting as much user data as possible to sell to the highest bidder in the name of growth and expansion? You tell me genius since you provided so much supporting data in your initial retort.
  10. I don’t know how many WRs they are going to keep and I don’t know who will make it but props to the OP for at least starting a thread that generates good discussion. I don’t see it but I’d be elated if he was. Just to see the posters here that said he was a bigger bust than Maybin last year eat some ****. I think it will be foster personally and what a story that would be!
  11. Buff is not a big market, get over it. Stop watching ESPN if you’re gonna have a fit. There are plenty of more knowledgeable sources online and on social media that pay plenty of attention to the Bills and any other franchise you may care about (Cover 1 is one). Beauty of the internet. this post is more insecure whinging. Fix your title. Goddamn
  12. Money post. Big ??? Not necessarily in foster but he has been taken away from Hill and the mother.
  13. Was wondering the same thing about that ?
  14. Just get in the playoffs. I know it’s not as wild as say, hockey, but just get a ticket to the show and if things go your way you’re in the mix for the title.
  15. Bad ass episode. I do think the showrunners underestimated how shi***y the dark looks with the horrible cable/satellite bandwidth most of us have to deal with. The compression was awful. Hey maybe that episode was an underhanded message to bring American fiber into the 21st century? If so...bravo
  16. You’ve made the same point I was trying to but said it better. Again I don’t think a “mcdermott guy” is a thing, beyond a guy that fits in his scheme and can help win games. And that’s all I wan’t anyways. All of this nonsense in the OP’s original post is just that: nonsense. You know what “culture” is, as it relates to football teams and football coaches in particular? It’s not a philosophy, it’s not a mandate. It’s a tactic. It’s a slugline. It’s a cheap and easy way to lure rubes in to supporting you before you’ve ever proven anything. “Culture” is what unproven football coaches have relied on since the dawn of football to attract support from the fanbases susceptible to it. Those moralizing, hypocritical, old-timey fanbases (think Penn State). Unfortunately we’re still one of those. That’s painfully clear based solely on what some of you post around here.
  17. Absolutely. 99% of fan fic (the good fan fic) is very entertaining but can’t achieve what the showrunners are ultimately trying to do. Fan fic is selective, by its very nature. No fan, no matter how big, agrees with everything and everywhere the story is going. So they pick and choose. Problem is inherent in that picking and choosing you’re changing things, ignoring things. No long running show (or movie franchise ?) has perfect continuity anyways, but they are trying to keep it at least a little consistent. Catering to fan theories and fan fic is folly. Although some of it is very good.
  18. Again thank you for joining and giving an outside perspective. I am glad you didn’t leave after these new jerkoffs were giving you ****. See I loved this quote - was it from you? - so much that it was my sig when we used to have those. Now it seems like the philosophy behind that quote is enforced selectively around here. If that quote really did originate with you much props I used it as a sig for many years.
  19. Love your optimism bro, but no. We don’t even know if we have a NFL caliber QB yet homie. Let’s give it another year or two.
  20. I agree with all this. Which is why even if there was such things like “McDermott guys” as OP claims (which there isn’t) Jerry would definitely qualify. Yeah he gets some dumb penalties. They aren’t bush penalties though. They are penalties bourne out of passion. He’s not Vontaze Burfict for god’s sake. he’s the most underrated edge rusher in the league.
  21. Lol the emoji response. Single smartest thing you’ve said in this thread. I wouldn’t want to show my a** anymore than you already have today either.
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