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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Look I have no idea if you’re telling the truth or not but I am inclined to believe you about Mayfield because I respect you as a poster and I dont think you’d lie about that. If true, yes, he’s a scumbag. have you served or waited on josh allen? Cuz i would like a tip amount from golden boy to compare.
  2. That’s the only point i’m trying to make. This is an awesome thing that Allen and Barkley did. To assume (a friggin BIG assumption btw) that Rosen and/or Mayfield wouldn’t do the same is just mad stupid.
  3. Let me take a guess and handicap this post: you’ve done exactly 1.0 seconds of research on the charity and outreach work that josh rosen and baker mayfield have done. I’ma take the under. Again, not to pile on, but this a f****** ignorant statement.
  4. Already have and yes good idea. He or she doesn’t seem to be revisiting the thread anyways so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Yeah not ready for the HaHa Club yet. If Josh Allen had said “ima make those 6 teams pay” this board would’ve ate that BS up. All that was from Rosen was confidence; a bit of “swag” if you will.
  6. I would too if I were them, honestly. The Bills are the Patriots’ ***** (record-wise.)
  7. I was and still in a fine mood my man. These wild character comparisons between Allen and other 1st round QBs have been going on here on and on for over a year. That’s fine, but that type of BS doesnt need to be in this thread, does it? watch Rosen at Larry Fitz’s softball game. Yeah guy’s got no character ? Happy mother’s day bub
  8. Lol yes because you know those two other particular guys. That was an excellent post of an inspiring video and you are making comparisons. Comparisons in which you have no evidence to back them up. Goddamn I am sick of this board and it’s Allen vs. everyone in his draft class s***.
  9. There are a lot of haters in this thread and about 100 others about Shaq. Maybe people in this one are hiding their hate more than usual but trust it still remains. the kid has performed wayyyy better under this regime as opposed to rex so not sure what you’re talking about. McD’s heavy rotation on the D line helps Shaq, it helps everyone currently playing D line on this team including players like Phillips who get a pass around here; I wonder why...
  10. I am not saying he’s not a miss. All I am saying is he’s improving. You say that’s not enough. That’s fair; he was a 1st round pick and hasn’t lived up to it. I judge Shaq’s improvement in a different light maybe - I think he can be a very good disrupter on the D line without ever putting up the pressure numbers a 1st rd DE might be expected to put up. idk, i just see a lot of improvement under McDermott. I dont want talent walking out the door while still attached to a steroid case like Murphy.
  11. Exactly. I realize the overall pass rush numbers for Shaq are poor, but he has improved his overall play the past two years under McDermott. Whatever. These hater threads are f****** stupid at this point; the option is gone. He’ll probably go succeed elsewhere and these know-nothings pissing on the guy will suddenly fall silent and melt back under their bridges.
  12. Strong post. Solid. Tight. What’s a “mentality level?” Stick to one or two syllable words kiddo.
  13. Good attempt I suppose. Not quite ready for the comedy store yet
  14. Lol what a statement. Based on absolutely nothing.
  15. Thanks! I mean I am a Brewers fan so it may be for me. If they have good fantasy baseball coverage I’d be interested in that too.
  16. I thought the Athletic is a nationwide collection of local outlets? Like a collection of affiliated local sports pages. Idk like I said I don’t subscribe but that was my understanding.
  17. Is it subpar? Serious question - I'm not paying for it so wouldn't know; I've had friends say it's great. Either way, Joe B isn't gonna boost the quality by much.
  18. I’d wager Cowherd hasn’t watched a Bills game in at least 10 years.
  19. You ask for examples, I gave you two. Instead of answering anything I asked, you respond with more vagueness. Done with you. Like conversing with curtains.
  20. Murphy and Tasker just did a long interview with Singletary on the radio. There ya go chief. I get it but some people don’t want an answer, they just want to be agreed with. Even if they create posts in which they ask questions.
  21. You asked a question that you should already know the answer to; one that anyone would even the most elementary understanding of NFL media, both local and national, should know the answer to. But yeah it’s me inhaling Superfund fumes. ?
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