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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Good point. Guess we’re all sleeping on him too ?
  2. Yes exactly. To “timing routes” in particular (i.e. those to a slot guy like Beasley), Allen will learn those. He’s definitely smart enough and talented enough to get better at those types of routes. Lots LOTS of successful NFL QBs come out of college not having to had thrown those types of routes.
  3. Beasley is a very adept slot guy. You can point and say well he ain’t edelman or welker but the NE system made those guys transcendent slot receivers. They’re very talented, for sure, but the system made those guys household names. Daboll comes from that NE offensive system. Let’s see what Cole can do in it before anyone calls him 2nd rate.
  4. I’m telling y’all they just need to build a strip club inside the Trop and Tampans would show up in droves.
  5. And this is just a literally who? on a freaking Fansided fanblog who read a few quotes from the coach and pecked this out. I’d be surprised if this kid is paid at all. This is sub-Bleacher Report **** that should be blacklisted from linking. To be fair, the kid got dogpiled for being a terrible writer in his comments and he took it like a champ.
  6. I mean...i’m not sure about Daboll either but it’s still fun to laugh at the dumpster fire jets
  7. Eh only other one i wanted to see was the Browns; but they have a new HC technically so they were out. Raiders will be a fun dumpster inferno.
  8. If you say so. Maybe that’s why he did it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/broncoswire.usatoday.com/2019/01/10/new-york-jets-peyton-manning-recommended-coach-adam-gase/amp/
  9. He’s lucky - Peyton Manning vouches for him for some reason. He personally recommended Gase to the Jets.
  10. Good Luck. The fact that he rejected them multiple times before they finally shoveled enough money down his throat to persuade him to change his mind is just pure Jets. Nice job Woody/Chris. I see your deal-making skills take after our illustrious president.
  11. WOOF. Not sure i’d throw that type of money at this guy now. Yes, best case: he’s a physical monster-amalgam of dan marino and peyton manning. Worst case he’s a rickety, slightly more accurate Flacco who misses on average 5 games a season. Noooooo thanks have fun Philly
  12. I respect the dedication you have to work on your comedy routine, I really do. I just hope you sequester these attempts to the offseason. Keep going though - you certainly need the practice. Until about August. Then stop.
  13. “Guys, there’s only so many hours in the day. I can’t french kiss my son AND go to voluntary OTAs c’mon.”
  14. depends on the purpose behind the extra steps - if they’re because the WR is out of control at the top of his route and needs them to gather his body - that’s bad (see DK Metcalf). If they are used to mask the route and fake out the DB - obviously good. Watch Stevie Johnson. One of the most underrated route runners ever. Unorthodox as f*** but got the job done. His hands let him down; he could have been great.
  15. Nashville is awesome you won’t not find a good time.
  16. Another s*** on the media thread. How helpful? even the one OP that started a thread praising a member of the media on here can’t even bother to get that media member’s name right. Pathetic really. All those disclaimers you take umbrage to are perfectly valid in May/June. Calm down.
  17. It’s a lot less grating than say, “trust the process.”
  18. Some do. Not me. I think that type of meta ending was awesome; I can get why people hated it. Better than a stupid montage ending though.
  19. I mean, I agree, but there are better ways to describe something bad. This isn’t reddit you don’t need to call things AIDS
  20. That was certainly an “ehh” ending to a great show. Can’t all be breaking bad or sopranos so it’s all good to me
  21. Why do these threads about Kraft’s tug job get everyone’s blood up?
  22. Hey i love american football making strides across the pond as much as anyone but Cian is not on one here. That’s just stupid.
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