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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. I thought of this too I was listening that day last month. Murph laughed in his face.
  2. Well at least I had some to begin with. I do fail to see where I said anything untrue. Grief is no excuse - countless people deal with death everyday, and do so in a dignified manner. On top of that, Richie is a recidivist who has gotten away with a lot of things with little or no punishment, this episode being just the latest example. And finally, Roger Goodell and his underlings have proven to be completely incompetent when dealing with player discipline, with arbitrary standards that are abandoned as soon as they’re established (remember the “6 game minimum” rule after the Ray Rice fiasco? Because Roger sure don’t.) anyways thanks for your input.
  3. Lol yet another joker with his head in the sand defending this guy. Why? Because he played for the Bills? Is that why you completely ignore all of this guy’s other transgressions and explain away the funeral home as just a natural reaction to guilt? What about the gym incident where poor richie was threatening people with weights and claiming the NSA was beaming secrets into his brain?My god. Either you’re a disingenuous homer or you’re deeply uninformed. Sad either way.
  4. To put it in yet another way...an excellent left guard gets only 2 games after a year away from football doing absolutely insane things and is offered and accepted a contract by one of the most idiotic franchises in the NFL-and only then is his conduct evaluated by the commissioner of the NFL and is deemed, OKAY? Well Richie was grieving so it’s okay if he wanted his dad’s head for experiments. Yes, i think it should be more. I think the league should pay for this man to get help. And he should not be allowed on a football field ever again. And? What does this even mean? Good comment. I agree with you but don't conflate the two. Not the same thing.
  5. Yeah super fun. I’m sure Bills fans that actually go to the games also find it fun. Especially the ones that can only afford to go to one or two games a year. I am sure most of those guys and gals will find it “fun” to ponder this extra layer of strategy while they sit in their full price seats watching tyree jackson play QB whilst josh allen sits on the sideline, perfectly healthy, holding a clipboard. There’s nothing “strategic” about purposefully hamstringing teams in order to make an empty gesture in the name of player safety. The owners want 18 games? Then bite the bullet and give players a bigger slice of the revenue split and better healthcare. This convoluted half-measure **** is dumb as hell.
  6. Objectively wrong? Because you’re privy to Roger’s list of mitigating factors? And Richie’s grief is obviously the only reason he terrorized a room full of people; not like he has a long history of threatening, bullying and abusive behavior. Nope not at all. You really thought through your response. Put a lot of effort into it too. Thanks. I learned a lot from you.
  7. So the guy that got the DUI in January gets knocked for 4, and Richie, who menaced a funeral home full of people and threatened to desecrate a corpse, gets 2. More stellar work by Goodell. His dumb*** is still out here throwing darts. Before I get called out - I am not minimizing DUI - it’s incredibly stupid and dangerous and four games is entirely warranted.
  8. Indeed. It’s a dumb, compromised proposal and bad for the fans. There is a rumor going around that this bad idea may be tweaked to carve out an exception for QBs, however, since they are more protected than other positions by existing rules. Still, it’s a bad idea.
  9. Of course they are staying. And yes, let the national media talk - they dont know f*** all about the actual local situation. It just makes me laugh that people around here, of all places, give any sort of credence to what they say.
  10. Lol no...it doesn’t read like that, unless you: 1) aren’t familiar with Florio or PFT at all, or 2) are the most naive person on earth. Seriously if you are familiar with his site at all you should know by now he engages in wild conjecture, almost exclusively. Florio did not “hear” anything from ANYONE “involved in the process.” For you to even come close to believing that **** is, frankly, laughable. He runs a aggregator site bro. And infuses it with his speculation. That’s it. Goddamn mate. That’s just amazing to me that you even came to that take.
  11. All 3 of this guy’s metrics are measuring fanbase size, not quality. I think I’ve said this every year this BS gets linked here, but magnitude =/= quality or passion. The study is actually fine, but this hack gave it a meme title. If the title was “biggest” fanbase, not “best”, there would be no problem.
  12. I don't doubt you’re correct, I was only commenting on the idiocy of the choice (not surprising, considering the groups we’re talking about here.) But a larger question remains: are companies and people really now allowing fringe groups, now matter how small and idiotic (identity evropa=100-1,000 members) misappropriate national symbols and poison them? No sorry that’s dumb and Kaep and Nike just handed these idiots a win.
  13. It is a frankly asinine suggestion by Florio. Again, he’s engaging in wild conjecture to mine some clicks. Trust me, PFT is acutely aware of how sensitive Buffalo fans are about the mere suggestion of relocation. The owners would never, ever EVER give that level of managerial control to players.
  14. Not for nothing, but wouldn’t it be the Confederate “stars and bars” or the battle flag be the ones with ties to slavery, not the Ross flag?
  15. Whatever man. If your actual point or “prediction” was he’s gonna be the best player on the defense or a pro bowler then say that in the title. You’re getting dragged in this BS thread from multiple angles for good reason. Just say “Milano: Def MVP (prediction)” then. Enough of this “yall sleepin on this guy EXCEPT ME bs.”
  16. Good god man. People giving you grief for this unnecessary thread are not your enemies. Telling this place, of all internet places, not to “sleep” on matt milano is dumb. No one here is sleeping on him as WEO pointed out earlier. You come off as patronizing trying to do this s*** as if this board is not knowledgeable about the team. Trust me, there are innumerable posters here that know WAY more about the team and football in general than you, and none of them are “sleeping” on Milano. Post your reminder on twitter.
  17. This is just Florio poking the bear a little bit more for clicks in the offseason. Nothing new of substance was said, or even implied, in this one. Low-effort I’d say, even by Florio standards.
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