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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. So it was all a long con by Beane to get another team in cap trouble by overpaying AB? Not sure I buy that, but it’s certainly a fun theory.
  2. Yeah we’re the “stupid” ones. We’re the ones who can’t use the search function. Keep it up.
  3. Your “take” is old and played out bro but go ahead and get defensive. Also, here’s a better solution to your problem, instead of pissing and moaning: turn the station.
  4. Wow that’s stupid. We’re talking about concussions here genius. What’s a team physical going to show them that they don’t already know? His previous concussions (during his time in the league at least) were common knowledge. It’s pretty well accepted that susceptibility to traumatic head injuries increases as you sustain them. Bills knew this and for SURE their doctors knew this. They signed him anyways FULLY aware of the enhanced risks with this guy. So again, how’s this the doctors’ faults? I can’t believe I just had to explain this to you DUDE.
  5. Well the Bills have 10% of their available cap this year invested in a guy with a history of concussions who just got concussed again on the first day of full contact in training camp soooo....I know centers technically “touch” the ball a lot but still.
  6. What? Elaborate please. How is this the doctor’s fault?
  7. If I were Indy I wouldn’t play him in ANY preseason games.
  8. I think chuckie’s gone a little soft in the head
  9. In deference to @YoloinOhio yes please no politics. I know Magary’s takedowns in these annual posts have politics in them but they’re genuinely funny (to me) and you all (usually) have even better reactions to it. Don’t f up this thread like the last one. grinding up Daniel Jones into mayo and injecting it into Eli to extend his career till he’s 85 was great.
  10. I don’t think you can call them a “well run” organization at this point. Ross doesn’t seem like a complete a**hat to me, but he is entirely clueless. Considering they fired Gase, it makes me moist thinking about how the Jets are going to implode this year as well.
  11. Considering I almost pummeled a Jets fan into dust at a Bills HOME game for spitting on fans sitting around him (including women and kids), I shudder to think how they act amongst their own, fellow chuds.
  12. He’s uh, top 100 in something i’d guess. little more effort here boys jesus.
  13. I mean this guy is basically bust trash right? right? right?
  14. I am all about players getting their money, but I just can’t. I hate this guy.
  15. Good job Butch. Better yet, go buy some rubber marital aids to throw on the field next time we play the pats! I believe in you I used a triple blade for the longest time but i have a oneBlade now and the thing is just awesome. That’s not gillette is it? I dont want to turn in my fan card.
  16. Watching a certain thing (preseason football) does not mean everyone has the same desired outcome. For instance, you, for whatever reason, wants to see your favored teams win preseason games. To, what, brag to your friends around the country? Idk that’s what I got from your reply. would you care to know who share’s you and your friends’ opinion of preseason? (ALMOST) NO ONE. ALL coaches. ALL players. And ALMOST ALL fans do not care one lick about winning or losing preseason games. You know this right? i can tell u have an inkling of how stupid this take is but im not sure.
  17. It is and I remember that throw as well. They were just on different pages on the option route. It happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Some doom and gloom in those quotes from the article, but I’m optimistic. Personally I don’t care if Allen’s a career 58% passer or 65%. If he does what he’s built to do, i.e., a dagger-throwing downfield passer, he’ll generate points from the passing game and that’s all I want.
  18. You care about winning and losing in preseason games? You’re serious? I can’t begin to fathom that but if you are serious then yes I think this year will be better based on the number of quality signings the team has made. But really what you should care about, the only thing, is getting the starters and significant role players through these farces healthy and whole for the regular season.
  19. This is right. The standard the league “claims” to apply has nothing to do with state prosecutorial standards, or even (laughably based on the guy you replied to) constitutional standards. The standard that the Rog has promoted and claimed to use in every disciplinary case is “conduct detrimental to the league.” What is that? Who knows. It’s conveniently vague for a league and a commissioner who has failed to fairly adjudicate discipline matters for YEARS. But one would think a player who was dinged for kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach and then accused of seriously injuring his child and threatening his fiancée would qualify. But yet he faces no discipline. This outcome would be surprising if it was someone other than Rog in charge. He’s a stooge, plain and simple. And his one redeeming quality is his willingness to take the fall for the owners on each and every one of these disciplinary disasters.
  20. Cian’s just a hot-take-for-clicks machine. He’s an idiot and yet locally at least he’s built a following. He’s toilet water dude
  21. Uh this is a thread about RI and his suspension. I am just staying on topic. I’m not “bothered” by any of it just because I commented on it. You do know how these things work, yes?
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