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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. GET THE **** OUTTA HERE. i honestly thought this was a joke, then I saw it was Yolo and not the “others” with jokes of threads on the front page right now. WOW. Good luck Percy
  2. Teef, a fellow BC alum, as always speaks the truth.
  3. I mean, I am not sure how you can accurately quantify “mean” and “hungry” (maybe you have a system) but yes he may be both those things which I could care less about if a more talented, experienced receiver becomes available after cuts. But, as I said, I won’t mind at all if they keep Duke. I like what i’ve seen in 2 practice games. Against backups. People here that went to camp said he didn’t do squat in practice. He’s got character issues. Yet you and others are way quick to shrug that off but we got a collection of pitchforks for zay jones. Im just saying, it’s sounds like you’re just picking your favorites and not really having much to back that up.
  4. Bootlicker: confirmed. And assuming such things! You’re a keeper. Keep digging that hole.
  5. You DO walk a fine line, rational and temporal. Claiming that a sporting league established 100 years in the past would not exist but for past, present and future theoretical billionaires. You sound like a corporate bootlicker. The league would have NEVER existed without the enthusiasts that actually PLAYED the game. i read your whole retort, and it was as dumb as it was when i read half of it. EDIT: i forgot: That is all
  6. The current ownership did not “create the league”. And i stopped reading right there Virgil sorry. That’s completely stupid. The current ownership is a mix of corporate opportunists (including Pegula) and legacy owners (who are, invariably, morons). You’re better than that. Harsh but true
  7. Early goings, but I think he’s going to be a monster this year.
  8. I assume you agree then that the rampant, demonstrated, nepotism in the NFL coaching circle is also a problem? Or are Belicheck’s and Shanahan’s and Gruden’s kids automatically qualified?
  9. May he ride on the wings of angels. Hopefully for longer than 37 net yards.
  10. Lol i like how I am the sensitive snowflake for not giving a **** about the gender of who gets hired to be an intern position coach (or any type of coach) in men’s football. Seems like the one’s trying to wall themselves up in their hobbies and entertainments by gender are the sensitive ones chief.
  11. So hiring females to coach in men’s football will always be political and thus, never legitimate, regardless of qualifications. Got it.
  12. He did not word this well at all, I agree. But parsing it a little bit I think the point to focus on is the “papers in our faces”. That’s not cool to make the guy (or any guy) jump through innumerable bureaucratic hoops to try to get the aid that’s been established for them. Probably not ideal for mcclain to take this public, but if he has no support system of his own to help him i understand it.
  13. This was good and correct - i think you’re parsing it a bit too much. Title of the video and the post just implies he’s underrated. I agree with you - there’s more elegant ways of saying that, but it is what it is.
  14. Right? “Doesn’t look very good”...”starting to worry about the pick”...bear in mind these are statements from someone that wants to turn oliver into a nose tackle, for some indecipherable reason. AND these statements are being made about a rookie! After 3 preseason games!
  15. How do you know her hire is political? Maybe she’s qualified? Please, if have the inside info, let us know.
  16. That’s just the title of the video he posted. He’s just repeated it in the thread title. I think OP knows we here have all heard of Levi.
  17. Yes good point - any team could franchise him again next year. That becomes prohibitively expensive quickly though, and considering he’s reluctant to even sign a year 1 franchise tender, odds of him signing two a la Cousins are low.
  18. Nothing wrong with decorum. I’m just laying out the facts - he’s paid to break stories FIRST. Period point blank. Blame ESPN, not Schefter.
  19. Well yeah that’s how science works. It’s probabilistic. Doesn’t mean you get to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and say welp! Can’t prove it definitively yet so nothing to see here! There is mounting evidence strongly suggesting that repeated head trauma does contribute to the onset of CTE.
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