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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. You all realize he doesn’t keep making the team based on his contributions on offense, right? He is safe because of special teams play.
  2. Exactly. Any further trades are just going to be for picks. They don't have an immediate need for any specific position to warrant a player for player trade.
  3. Very latest reports don’t even list the Bills as contenders for Clowney (and that’s good.) and JW has reported repeatedly that Clowney was never seriously pursued by Beane, so these ideas should probably be put aside now.
  4. “The Bills’ WR corps is stacked” you actually typed that out. I have no words. Edit: and that cowboys shizz is just ridiculous as well. Tell us the truth, we are your friends: how much did you smoke before you posted this? It’s okay. No judgment
  5. If memory serves, there was talk of them tanking that year when Manning was hurt and Luck was looming in the draft, for the simple reason that they stuck with Curtis Painter (remember him!) instead of trying to find and sign a better option, because Painter was god awful. Like, Peterman-level awful. That’s where the narrative comes from.
  6. Sure buddy. And a big reason those receivers were bad was josh allen was bad. Same as the year before, when tyrod was bad. So i hope he is cut, just like Woods who wasn’t resigned, and we’ll see where he goes and what he does. Pointing out he was the top receiver, albeit on an overall bad unit, is not disingenuous. Unless you dont know what that word means....
  7. What kinds of “dudes” you hanging out with?
  8. Lol. Wanna know John Brown’s best year as far as receiving TDs? 7. 5 years ago with a much better QB than Josh Allen. Same number as Zay last year. Isn’t john Brown here to be our homerun hitter? And sure the CFL is technically a “pro” league. Relevant to projecting NFL production? Hell no. If it were, you’d see CFL leaders getting snatched up every offseason. Look, i don’t know if your stubborn, or just woefully misinformed, but there’s no talking to you. Yes sure Duke Williams is a all-pro in the making and Zay Jones doesn’t deserve to haul his jock. We all happy now? Christ
  9. Exactly. Gimme some Danica all day. Munn got really, really skinny and did the aforementioned stuff to her face.
  10. Well...Jeremy White is a chucklehead who thinks he’s a lot wittier than he actually is. And he has no idea what the advanced stats he spouts off about even mean.
  11. Especially now. At least Rodgers had Munn before she decided to mess with her face. Goddamn shame
  12. LOL. So last season is irrelevant but Duke's career in the freaking CFL isn't. Jeeeeeeesus.
  13. He gets three seasons mostly by virtue of his position, not where he was drafted, but let’s face it, higher round picks get more rope. WR is a slower developing position than say, tackle. So that’s where I was going with that. To say Zay hasn’t “earned” that third season, being the top WR on this team last season while improving from his first, is disingenuous.
  14. My guess would be Edmunds as well. Long shot? Poyer.
  15. Ross has been great on the radio for years. Shame he got canned for calling a spade a spade. Can’t criticize those darling Pats*!!
  16. But they do tell SOME of the story? Right? So why dismiss them outright? All of the less quantifiable things you mentioned: the blocking, the route running, are true - i am not dismissing them. Woods is a great blocker. Zay’s not on his level. And Jones needs to be a better route runner as well - which is why it’s noticable that, despite that, Jones seems to get open quite a bit.
  17. Yes. If they can bottle up Bell I think we’re good, and I don’t think it will even be close. Jets’ CBs are bad, and I for one have never been that high on Darnold.
  18. Simms seems very high on the Bills recently, from the clips I’ve seen at least. Almost like he actually judges teams on present merit and not lazy stereotypes. Good on him.
  19. According to some reports, his preferred spot is Seattle. Can anyone see the Seahawks giving up a top flight OT for this guy when they’ve struggled in recent years to get even adequate protection in front of Wilson? Sorry clowney not sure you’re getting your wish.
  20. It’s very simple: 1. I think WR is tough to transition from college to the NFL. High picks should get 3 seasons. 2. Jones improved year 1 to year 2 (even though year 1 was pretty abysmal, the numbers went way up); 3. The number of drops are exaggerated by many here, which makes me want to pull my hair out; 4. Duke is intriguing, but I have no idea how he’s going to perform against starting-level NFL secondaries yet. No one does. At least with Jones there’s 2 seasons of tape. All that said if Jones does stay and doesn’t significantly improve year 3, he should probably go. And maybe he will end up like Woods on another team with a functional passing offense and we’ll all have a laugh. Yes yes dismiss the numbers when they don’t support your narrative.
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