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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Ok, so is Howard actually “in the block,” i.e., being actively shopped by Tampa, or is this just the musings of some unnamed scouts? Because it seems like the latter.
  2. Yes run draw plays all game that’s the ticket!
  3. Well I miss Jim Kelly and Andre Reed.
  4. Riveron is a dunce. And he leads the way for these clowns. Only going to get worse.
  5. I mean, the defense doesn’t look like it’s sporting too many vulnerabilities.
  6. Maybe Bill didn’t bother attempting the FG because he knew his defense would just do that
  7. I have to ask: who has ever heard of “lastwordonprofootball.com” before this beauty of an article was regurgitated here?
  8. So shocking to see Lewan continue to be the cheating thug he’s always shown himself to be. Way to spend your money wisely Tennessee.
  9. An older, currently and oft-injured half-season rental. sure do it, but not for more than a couple of 4th round picks. Paying anything more than that seems pretty foolish.
  10. Well yeah if you’re a clickfarm budget joke of a site like the one the OP linked gotta think of a bunch of takeaways. The more the better when you have to click through each one. Linking to BS like this should be banned here.
  11. Actually the Cowboys need to worry about many more teams besides just the Bills and Eagles. They haven’t beat anyone of consequence and got their stars stomped by the only competent teams they’ve played. They should probably worry about a lot of remaining opponents.
  12. Lol heck no. First, i’ve heard nothing of ATL looking to move him so post some source next time and Second, he’s been an overrated back his whole career. Freeman can work within a very specific offensive scheme. He’s a one trick pony and always has been. Sorry if there’s no source provided I say shut this bye week BS down. Where’s your source?
  13. He thinks because it’s a bye week, all of these threads are “cute” or “witty” or something or other.
  14. I think the resident “comedians” here desperately need new material.
  15. If that was feasible hell yes. Also address those drop or nah? Cuz if no you’re a hypocrite.
  16. We could talk about the drops by sweeney, knox and beasley today, but let’s not and pile on Zay.
  17. If they can stop turning the ball over points scored will improve.
  18. I don’t think the fact he played at Wisc was the primary reason - people thought he was too short. And those people are dumb.
  19. So now this means...Duke? I’d assume so.
  20. Well killing someone is a conscious choice too. Again, who in you deserves representation in your mind? Only people accused of negligence? don’t say “lawyers and judges” when talking about adjudication either. If you have a problem with the sentence for some DUI it’s just the “judges” you should be blaming.
  21. I agree with you, but Watson’s been more than decent considering his line is tissue paper. Outside of him and mahomes yeah - people can make a case for Goff and Wentz I guess. but there ain’t many.
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