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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. It ain’t just those 2, not this year. Some bad kicking all around the league.
  2. Fuller still high off his own supply from last week. Dropping everything today.
  3. All good and yes I loved Watson as well.
  4. Uh oh don’t say this. People gonna start hating Watson too now.
  5. To the OP’s question, I see them no worse than 11-5 at season’s end, barring some catastrophic injuries.
  6. Look-at-me Ed raised a glory boy look-at-me son. Color me shocked.
  7. Not sure that’s how houston dialed that one up
  8. Never know with Riveron. It stands though.
  9. Unless they learn how to play at least some defense, for sure.
  10. Big boy catch by OBJ if that stands.
  11. Yes they buggered them all up. Same with the Jets this year - went from green to greenish black.
  12. That was made clear on thursday night. Today’s calls just confirm it. Can’t wait for big Al’s videos “explaining” things. Oh wait he won’t make any on this topic.
  13. Looks like it. I heard they changed the orange maybe they changed the brown as well
  14. Whomever you’re rooting for in KC/HOU, it’s getting entertaining at least. Crowd about to lynch the refs, chippy play on the sidelines, etc...
  15. As am I cheers. And the Mahomes threads will stop, or the mods will keep killing them anyways. So it’s all good. And hey! Mahomes threw a pick so there’s that for the haters out there.
  16. The threads re-litigating the 2017 draft invariably get shut down sooner or later by the mods anyways. Animosity towards the best QB in the game simply because there’s a cadre of people here that still like to flagellate themselves over it is not a valid reason to root against Mahomes, though, ESPECIALLY when a favorable outcome for him is a favorable outcome for us as well.
  17. To be fair, this isn’t a Bills thread though kiddo.
  18. Probably the strangest, most short-sighted thing you’ve ever said. Don’t be sorry, at least not for me. I root for the team, not anyone player. And if being a realist about individual performances disqualifies one from being a true fan of the TEAM, then in your twisted view I guess I ain’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. And so are Allen apologists. Your point? And even if that were the case, at least Mahomes has earned his praise.
  20. Why? Why would you not want the better outcome for the Bills?
  21. I heard earlier today that he’s likely to play but they aren’t sure for how long. Very unlikely to be out there all game and they probably will have him on a snap count.
  22. That’ll do Jameis, that’ll do.
  23. My goodness Winston. Absolutely terrible.
  24. gonna be real interesting to see how much rope some posters around here give knox if he keeps up with the consistent drops.
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