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Posts posted by ehfeuh57

  1. 2 hours ago, Buffalo716 said:

    people have been getting bussed from all over the country to Buffalo for this protest and riot


    I respectfully disagree, the majority of locals are peaceful.. the agitators for the most part are not local are paid rioters

    I do because I've been in the city and there's tons of people from out-of-state here right now for the protest


    Take a seat

  2. 3 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    70% of the nfl is black.  It’s not the rest of the US population.  You don’t think any of those 70% over the years were qualified to have a leadership job?  


    Head coach/play calling and GM are completely different jobs than football player


    I dont see NFL head coach as a player who is upgraded to a leadership position


    Should a surgeon in the inner city just be one of the nurses who was upgraded to leadership?

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Billsfanatixs said:

    How can I 

    I think I speak for most MEN, "These kind of posts make me want to hang you on a doorknob by your underwear " If we were in the parking lot before a Bill's game, if I wanted to comment on a player I like, to make you happy, would I have to ask everyone in earshot if this has been talked about recently?

    For god sakes man! Dont be that guy, and that goes for all of you who do that.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I usually don't like it either


    but for the rest of your time on ANY message boards you will continue to hear this

  4. On 5/6/2020 at 3:30 PM, ngbills said:

    Values of teams have gone from $100M to billions.

    value of the team means nothing


    it just matters how much they make a year


    the vlaue of the team is all unrealized until they sell it, that value is not in the owners bank account


    Telsa makes almost no maney each year but is one of the most valuable companies and they lay off workers all the time because of this.

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    We need a thread dedicated to just this.           Currently scheduled for OCT 4

    Bills at Raiders will be just the 2nd game in the new Las Vegas stadium.


    Discuss should we be worried about super high prices?

    Why are they so high?

    Will Covid 19 lead to a rescheduling of this game?

    Will prices go higher/lower?

    Plans leading up to game?


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