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Peace Frog

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Everything posted by Peace Frog

  1. This is how. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/10/buffalo-bills-anthony-dixon-friday-night-lights
  2. Of all the names you mentioned, I would agree that the egotistical douche-face, Jerry Jones, leads the pack of biggest villian. Some of us here wouldn't mind having Brady as our QB or Belichick as HC or even Kraft as owner (before Pegula, of course.) But imaging Jerruh as Bills owner. Oh, hell no! He's Douchey McDoucher-douche.
  3. After the drubbing they took in Kansas City, did Brady and the offense show us the blueprint for their game plan against us when they dismantled the Bengals defense with their two TE sets and numerous seam passes? I realize they wanted to make a statement with their victory at home against Cincy; 'Brady isn't finished yet!'. Had they sprung this formation on us, we probably would have been clobbered. But I think Schwartz will figure out a way to counter this. What say you?
  4. Never fear! I'm taking my wife to the game this Sunday. So what, you say? Well......the first game I ever attended (Jets vs Bills 24Sep1990), we won. The first game my dad ever attended, which happened to be with me (Oilers vs Bills 03Jan1993), we won. This will be my wife's first Bills game. I ain't gonna say no more.
  5. I know it was in a different game but one of the biggest blown calls was not ejecting Christian Kirksey after his forearm to the head of Jake Locker after his TD in the Cleveland/Tenn game. Disgusting.
  6. I have a stuffed toy lion who's eyes I just rubbed some feces in. It worked against the Bears. I say 23-20 Buffalo, in OT.
  7. If Kevin Kolb did not get injured last season, how many games do you think EJ would have played by now? I don't know if he is finished as an NFL QB, but I don't think he's ready to be a starter.
  8. I still think if Jeff Tuel got as many chances as EJ has the Bills would be better off.
  9. I think we should just start Jeff Tuel. At least the team would have somebody new to get frustrated with at QB.
  10. EJ & Hackett lost us this game. EJ, I've had it with you. Hackett, go back to college.
  11. More like a first round daft choice.
  12. Unless the defense makes a big play on this drive, we are doomed.
  13. I don't like the direction this game is headed. We need a turnover to get the crown into it.
  14. All I know is, this game is HUGE!
  15. I can't wait for this game. I was eagerly anticipating the Miami game but this one has the makings of a come from behind dogfight for us; a real galvanizing game. I'd like us to not only win but have to really dig deep and win on the final drive in order to establish a mentality of anything is possible.
  16. I say banned for life. My hatred for JBJ is more personnal. I've never forgiven him for putting his filthy hands all over my beloved Cindy Crawford in that Xmas video. Rotten bass turd.
  17. Looks like Clowney is out 4 to 6 weeks. I hate to see players get injured but I'm not gonna miss him when we play @Houston.
  18. I'm still on cloud 9 but which cloud has a bathroom?
  19. I'm going with EJ. If he doesn't play as well as he did, we lose. No doubt aboot it.
  20. But he's got a smoking hot wife! That's gotta count for something.
  21. I smeared some feces into the eyes of a teddy bear. Who knows, it might work.
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