I've been following them since 1988 and have witnessed the good times and bad. My father & I were there for the comeback game against Houston. I've seen them live the last four times we've played against Dallas (my folks live in Dallas). I'm in Washington state and took my wife to her first Bills' game last year against New England. I've decided to save my enthusiasm (and attention) for when they make the playoffs. Bandwagon fan, you say? Perhaps. But I feel I've earned it after years of heartbreak, anger, and frustration. This team hasn't made the playoffs since Clinton was president. Maybe they won't make it again until another Clinton is president, who knows? I do know that I'll be glad to get my Sunday afternoons back and not waste them watching hot garbage take the field. I wish the team well and hope they do make it but until then, I'm not done, just dormant. Au revoir.