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  1. He's much more of a decrement weather player ;)
  2. I don’t think we should have pursued him but I was upset that the fish signed him. He was a good LB for the Titans. Off year, bad scheme fit? I don’t know why he dropped off a cliff.
  3. I said what I said lol. But okay yeah those are okay 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Not my cup of tea. Also similar to band names, if "The" is part of the name, it's an instant decline.
  5. Its no coincidence this defense looks like it's fierce and attacking. Frazier defense I was always getting the impression that our defense is soft. This defense looks like a killer, and the players look like they are enjoying it way more.
  6. This is so delightful to keep reading. After all the homers constantly and vociferously telling us he's good. *Chef's kiss*, I hope this thread continues, not because of Edmunds, but so the Edmunds Truthers can sit there and be reminded about their homerism lol
  7. What a STUD! Can't believe he slipped away from the Bills! 🤣🤣
  8. I will try to not overreact one way or the other tonight, but no promises
  9. Incoming Edmunds truthers with their mental gymnastics. "But but but but......."
  11. Most sane Edmunds mental gymnast Right? Shane Conlan would have actually been a beast. Unlike Edmunds.
  12. Man I would have been happy to have him in Buffalo for that price. I'm a little bummed
  13. My statement holds true for you
  14. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! >:] The current charging buffalo is awesome lol
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