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Everything posted by haroldwaide

  1. This will not age well...
  2. Did they even have anyone on the field for that play?
  3. I honestly think the only way McDermott is back next year is if 1) he hires a competent DC who can get the must out of our second stringers as well as our starters...and 2) he hires/oh eeps an OC that can keep the offense playing like it has the last two weeks...
  4. 6 shots on goal and five goals again...sounds like a winning combination to me
  5. Unfortunately, we would still be a half game back when we win tonight.
  6. Right now, we are a game out of first place in our division. I'll say it as simply as I can...beat the Dolphins week 18 and we HOST a playoff game. I'm not giving up on this year yet, and neither should you.
  7. Rams coming back against Dallas. Nice play for the 2 point conversion.
  8. Just wait till we get the canopy to reflect noise back onto the field...I predict at least 150 decibels...and the world record.
  9. Worked 12 hours last night and have to work 12 hours tonight. I'll probably still be up for the game though. It seems my body won't let me sleep when the Bills are playing... Really sucked when they were in London lol
  10. In my case, I worked 12 hours last night and never got settled afterwards. The 12 hours tonight might suck a bit ...
  11. I wasn't there, but I recall hearing that many people never made it to their seats because traffic was an absolute nightmare. On a side note, I miss the old, 80,000 seat configuration. I used to sit in the upper deck and be able to go to the bathroom AND grab an (actually hot) hot dog with time to spare during halftime.. try doing that now after all the "improvements over the years...
  12. Touchdown!!!
  13. Love the fake punt. And look at how they are playing since then
  14. This change is from the NFL. It sucks, but it's our if the Bills control...
  15. I will be there. Haven't missed a home opener in years and don't plan on starting now.
  16. Mine too. I didn't have to borrow as much as some on here, but after making payments for 25 years I managed to almost double what I owed...
  17. It is. In fact, the 200 level seats are roughly ground level. The entire lower bowl is underground.
  18. If we were down by more then 2 points in the 4th quarter you could watch people heading to the exits. They knew it was over.
  19. 31 out of 32 teams end the season without a Superbowl and are disappointed. Half of those never even had a chance because they miss the playoffs completely. I want a Superbowl as much as anyone. I believe these guys can do it and can't wait till it happens. Congratulations to both of them.
  20. As long as he is cooperative this will go nowhere. However he plays for the Patriots so chances of him being cooperative are slim and none.
  21. Not to mention taking properties through eminent domain which would have delayed the project even further...
  22. So is Bills Mafia gonna help out this family during this tragic time? I know they'd certainly appreciate it.
  23. I have the 17 inch. I use it for tailgating and absolutely love it.
  24. They have to give a four week notice. Plenty of time to adjust travel plans.
  25. Past practice has been that the Bills lots will take payment (card only. No cash) the day of the game. The obvious exception would be the club seat preferred lots and the like. I know lot one took payments last year...
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