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Everything posted by CoffeeDrip

  1. I’ve been in the Hurts camp since Allen’s slump, but it might just be because of his impact on my fantasy team this season…
  2. I actually love Thanksgiving games, but the Dallas and NO games were late enough that I could be at home - I hosted both years and everyone was gone prior to kickoff. The early game means I can’t get away.
  3. I swear to all things Holy, that if I have to watch the Bills on Christmas Day with my in laws I will throw myself in Lake Erie. Thanksgiving was MORE than enough. Christmas Eve all the way… no rescheduling… I guess Monday would work too, just a longer wait.
  4. I was so invested in the Texans pulling it off in OT yesterday. Looked like they were going to but of course KC got lucky. 🙄 Some breathing room would have been nice, I’m worried about the Cincinnati game. And neither Chicago nor NE will go down easy.
  5. Yes, currently in first place. I lucked into Hurts and Hill. 10-4 record. This is by far the best I’ve ever done.
  6. While I wasn’t a fan of his political views I am glad to see him back, if only to give Josh that consistent chain mover he’s been missing this season. At this point I’m tuning out all the Covid debate nonsense anyway so welcome back Beasley (former Cowboy)!
  7. Mr. Sullivan, my female self and my journalism degree would like to have a conversation… 🙄
  8. Just an update: Gabby received a visit from Poyer! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0GbYUeCKQYLLQe3Reo3d3SSCedg7TbGy3taXbFe3nrQt9g73wb4za5CbKbtwZ2q7yl&id=100012823776625
  9. I hate Florida. There’s nothing redeeming about the state. It’s like breathing soup and the insects are as big as your hand. Plus, alligators. Going to Florida is a special kind of torture…
  10. Unfortunately he’s from a pretty well known family down here so not sure how much will be done. Hopefully a lot more than I’m expecting!
  11. She actually wasn’t even hit by the drunk driver. The drunk driver hit a legally parked jeep that was then catapulted into her and her friends. That’s how fast he was going - Truly tragic. Happened near me.
  12. I mean, I root for the Bills, it’s a hard habit to break after so long.
  13. Somewhere with a beach, if I’m not going to have winter I’ll enjoy the ocean I guess. 🤷‍♀️ My husband has always wanted to move west.
  14. I hate everything about this. Winter is one of the few things that keeps me living here and the more warm/green winters we get the less I want to stick around. 😑
  15. At least the Salt Life sticker makes a little sense in Florida. The ones here in WNY make me laugh - those cars see more road salt than sea salt and you know it.
  16. That’s what I do when I’m in Baltimore. Love me some fresh seafood.
  17. This is why I was so shocked when he went back in. I thought any visible sign of a potential head injury, even if the player isn’t placed in protocol, was an automatic out.
  18. They don’t seem to be doing a ton better in the early going this year either. Not as banged up as Buffalo but some significant injuries.
  19. I didn’t wear my Zubaz Bills Mafia hoodie like I did for weeks 1 and 2. My bad guys.
  20. I’m not going to blame the sun for the loss because we had a chance right until the clock hit 0 to win that game. It was, however, startling to see so many players down on the field because of the heat. I understand competitive advantage when it comes to the construction of the stadium but as we continue to have longer, hotter summers this is only going to get worse. NFL needs to step in at some point and delay games due to extreme heat and maybe even extreme cold by extension… Or adjust the scheduling accordingly - it goes back to their selling point of being focused on player safety.
  21. I loved the passion, but it did nothing to dispel those psychopath rumors 😂
  22. Honestly I don’t think the NFL can ignore this if they want to continue to sell the public on their concern for player safety. And the Dolphins have already given them a black eye this year with their tampering and tanking allegations. Did he even enter protocol? It went from head injury to back injury awfully quickly….
  23. The only people buying the back injury line are Fins fans who will not like it if this results in further injury in the coming weeks. 🤷‍♀️
  24. Didn’t Darnold get carted off with a sprain in preseason?
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