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Everything posted by Herc11

  1. Hold my beer... Gonna take a minute to search for them, but I'll produce.
  2. Exactly. The game is 60 mins. Games are up and down, yet many of you crumbled when we were down 7 at the half. That is weak, grow some balls.
  3. Oh wow, are you saying a game is 4 quarters? So we shouldn't be kicking and screaming after being down 7 at the half?? God some of you are weak
  4. I said it in the 2nd half thread and I'll say it again... Some of you, and you know who you are, need to turn in your fan cards. So called fans crumbling in the face of adversity and calling for the Bills to draft a new QB or even go get Flacco. Absolute jokes
  5. Ty Johnson is out with a concussion because of the helmet to helmet hit on that play before half. We should of had another play
  6. Don't Gabe Davis screwing up a hot route... Refs not calling PI
  7. Who would of guessed that Sherfield and Harty are the two that scored TDs tonight so far
  8. Some of you all need to turn in your fan cards... Flacco? Draft a QB? No intestinal fortitude whatsoever.
  9. Down 7 and you are already declaring this? Good God have some balls
  10. Damn Dodson in the locker room and now Douglas down??? Why can't we have nice things???
  11. Say that again, but this time with some nuggies
  12. I agree. However, I haven't seen him walk pre-injury. This may be his normal gait. Many people have a hitch in their gate normally.
  13. Right. Many were surprised by the boot which I didn't understand because it's been out that he has been dealing with an ankle injury as well.
  14. I think it was the Chargers game where Romo and Nance were talking about the golf carts Mahomes got his o-line then mentioned Easton Stick's wife made his o-line cookies for their gift.
  15. He was limping around in between plays. I think he plays this weekend, but he's def not 100%
  16. Now this is only a guess. I definitely don't have enough info from what has been disclosed about his specific injury. I have been holding out hope that he would be able to return for a late playoff run, but we know McD doesn't like to rush injuries back and it would be quite a gamble to have Milano's first game back in the AFC champ or even SB. Seeing that he has been walking and bearing weight, he is most likely in the physical therapy stage. You don't gamble coming back from a knee injury without the leg at full strength. That would only be risking a devasting injury to the knee ligaments that could rule him out next season.
  17. Example of someone that needed a knee replacement: Varying degrees of a fx:
  18. Another excerpt from ota.org "Sometimes the break is so bad you need to be taken to the operating room to have an external fixator put on. An external fixator is a device made up of pins that are put in your femur (thigh bone) and tibia (leg bone) and bars that connect the pins together. This is a temporary way of holding the leg and bones in a better position (lines them up) and allows the swelling to go down until it is safe to fix your bone with plates and screws." Here's a pic of a fx that requires screws and plates: More from ota.org on the recovery: "You will not be able to bear weight on your leg for weeks after breaking your bone. That means no walking on or pushing off of your broken leg. This is to keep the bones from moving as you heal. Depending on your injury, this will last 6 to 12 weeks. You may need to use crutches, a walker and/or a wheelchair. A knee immobilizer or hinged knee brace may be used to provide support for your leg. You will be instructed to work on gentle motion of your knee, ankle, and hip. This is to prevent stiffness and also to help your cartilage to heal. Your surgeon will let you know how much you should bend your knee. You may be prescribed physical therapy to help with motion and strength. It is important to follow up with your surgeon to make sure your bones are healing well and that your motion is good." And as a some have eluded to, this injury can cause issues down the road due to the injury to the cartilage that lines the joint side of the tibia. "Tibial plateau fractures injure the joint surface cartilage. The injured knee joint can develop arthritis. The symptoms include pain with use, stiffness, swelling, and inability to tolerate exercise, stairs, or running. Some patients have bad enough arthritis that they have a knee replacement to help improve their pain and function. Stiffness and some weakness is very common. Physical therapy may be able to help with this. You may have a permanent limp and need to use a cane or assistive device. Rarely, more serious complications may require more surgery, hospital stays, or medications. These complications include swelling, infection, blood clots, and painful hardware."
  19. I was going to do a bit of a write up before but got lazy and didn't do it. I got some time so, I'll try shed some light on these injuries. Back around 2003 I had a tibial plateau fx to of my left leg. I was playing flag football and running to my left. A defensive player was closing in on me so I made a hard plant on my left leg, so I could spin and come back to my right. I planted so hard that I could literally feel my femur hit the tibia. I remember describing the feeling by punching my fists together. It was painful and I couldnt bear weight at all. Fortunately my injury was a crack in the tibial plateau and didn't actually break a piece of the tibial plateau off. I distinctly remember the doctor telling me I was lucky cause if it had broke off, I would need surgery. I was placed in a brace that they could limit the range of motion in the leg. They didn't cast it, because they wanted me to be able to move my leg to limit the atrophy. Although I wasn't to bear any weight on it until cleared, which I think was about after week 4. I had the splint for about 6 weeks and recovery was rather quick. However, like I said, I got lucky. There are varying degrees of these that can get pretty bad. Here's a piece of an article from orthopedic trauma association describing the injury. "A tibial plateau fracture is an injury in which you break your bone and injure the cartilage that covers the top end of your tibia (bottom part of your knee). The break can range from a single crack in your bone to shattering into many pieces. This fracture typically happens after a fall or a motor vehicle accident. High energy injuries like these cause your thigh bone (femur) to drive into your tibia like a hammer hitting an anvil." Here you can see an X-ray of a normal leg: Here's an example with a fx. You can see in this picture it cracked all the way through and this would require screws and possibly plates to reattach.
  20. Ya, it was in ref to Kelly. I know he doesn't have anything to do with hiring, but we all know Kelly is very close with the team and is always around. If they never got over their problems then I have no doubt Harbaugh wouldnt consider Buffalo.
  21. Moronic tool or not he has taken a NFL team to the SB and is now in the college championship. I can careless about the coach's personality if they are good at what they do. Belichek has one of the worst coaching personality of all times, but not a single one of us would of not wanted him with all his success.
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