Well you can always go take over a police precinct and part of a city of you're bored
Oh she's warmin them vocal cords
Left media is dragging this out because they know how bad this is for her at this point.
At the very end of the last replay you can see him hit his hand/wrist kind of hard and awkward on the ground. To me that looks more like when the injury could of happened than when Poyer's shoulder pad hit his forearm.
It's almost like different cultures have different views on word usage. Come on over to the US and ask someone for a *****. 🤣 Well I guess the forum censorship helped prove my point. I used the word you guys use for a cigarette.
Performancing enhancing covers a wide area of substances. It can even mean something as stupid as Albuterol. Its not only steroids. Also, you don't lose gains in a week, or two, it takes time.