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Everything posted by Herc11

  1. I kept waiting to read he was traded for Allen Hurns
  2. That makes sense. Fingers crossed for ya.
  3. Maybe a Monday is better. That way you have a week to work any kinks out before a game.just a thought.
  4. Cutler is out with a chest injury
  5. That was clearly OPI on Jackson
  6. Good chance Marshawn will be suspended when we play the Raiders
  7. Hopefully he'll be ready to return after the bye
  8. Just curious... if you support the players protest and ridicule those who don't, should you criticize those who plan to protest against the NFL?
  9. It's not an embarrassing win at all. These are the kind of things the Bills used to do in years past. We always seemed to make the stupid mistakes and give games away. Good teams don't make the stupid mistakes that lose them game, period.
  10. Im just tired of hearing people say this is a violation of 1st amendment and its their right to protest.
  11. Would you be allowed to protest while on the clock, in uniform, representing your company? The 1st amendment is not as straight forward while you are at work, representing the company. Its up to the company to decide what you can do and/or say.
  12. In a small city like Buffalo, on Sundays the Bills are what to do. Doesnt matter if they are losing or winning. In big cities like LA there are so many more distractions. So if the team isnt doing well, people find other stuff to do. Im sure once the Rams improve the attendance will go up. Ive had so many arguements with fans out here in Cali, that LA doesnt deserve another team after losing the Raiders and Rams. The NFL just cant resist putting a team there.
  13. Its called sarcasm to highlight Bennets own assumption that he was targeted because he was black
  14. Were the cops detaining every black person or was he the only one? Im sure he wasnt the only black person in the crowd. Maybe they were targeting large people and since he is large they got him. Uh oh, they must be sizest.
  15. Do you know what perhaps means?
  16. Perhaps he was targeted because he matched the gunman's ID and not just because he was black? I'm so tired of the go-to "it was because I'm black" bull ****. If the report is a blackman was firing a gun, why would an officer go after an asian, mexican, or white guy?
  17. "Gordon applied for reinstatement on March 1 and expects to hear back from the NFL in May." How old is this article? It says Sammy is our #1 and the above sentence makes this look like it was written in March/April.
  18. Ahhh I see... I was gonna let you use my gamepass after game was over and it became available. I enjoy reading your reviews of the games.
  19. Shaw, you have no TV access... will you have internet access?
  20. LJC... that's exactly what I thought when I read it. You better make sure you're not getting the Max add-on for free. If you're getting the whole ticket free that easily, I'd be shocked.
  21. Lol... here we go with the insults from the keyboard warrior. I made my point. ****, you didn't even pay attention to the fact Shady didn't post it. But hey, keep casting your judgement from your ivory tower. I'm out.
  22. If the bolded statements are not passing judgement, then I don't know what judgement is. Its Shady's money and if he wants to show his followers the large bet he made then so be it.
  23. It's his money. Who are we to judge?
  24. After Shaq had to get his surgery and Ragland went down, there was no way Whaley was gonna let J-will sit if he could practice. There was already enough complaining about his drafting injured players.
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