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Everything posted by Herc11

  1. The Bills order their jersey's from jennyloop too??
  2. That color scheme is god awful... holy eye strain
  3. One night in Bangkok makes a tough man tumble
  4. I thought the exact same when I saw it. How can you not tell that those are clouds????
  5. Oh dear god, please Beane stay as far away from OBJ as you can get. Allen does not need OBJ's temper tantrums on his sideline. This team needs to grow behind Allen as their leader and face of the franchise, not a POS like OBJ.
  6. Yes, they pay where they play. So you have to figure half of your games are taxed at that rate with the possibility of more in the playoffs. I believe the contract is divided up per game, at least that's what people always make it sound like. I just used Bryce Harper because it was recent and a huge contract. Pretty crazy when you see how much they get taken out. Going from like near $30 mil annually to an actual take home of like $14 mil. I'm sure they get some pretty good accountants to help with tax breaks. Makes you wonder about the true purpose of some of the charities players start. I'm not suggesting all. I do realize some like Kelly's were started due to a personal situation.
  7. Sorry, I was bored and tired of studying, perhaps got a little carried away lol... Yes, Roswell is a wonderful place. I'm actually going to be doing rotations through the oncology unit here at the big children's hospital in a couple weeks. Not sure if I am man enough to be able to work in that environment. My wife was only able to for about 4 years and it took a toll on her. Anyways, I wish you the best in your battle. F#ck Cancer!
  8. Actually it did... it stemmed off the people suggesting taxes are an issue when an athlete is considering going to Buffalo. Some people were under the understanding property taxes were higher in Ca (since he may go to Oakland, which I know Oakland is only temp) than B-lo and I was giving examples that they are not.
  9. People do come here to converse, correct? I mean that is the whole premise of a message board. Also, people can disagree in a conversation without it being an argument. Shocking, I know.
  10. You do realize California is not only Southern California, San Diego, and the Bay area, right? I live in Fresno, which is pretty comparable in size to Buffalo. We get the same complaints, just like Buffalo from outsiders about nothing to do here etc... I mentioned that wrong above though. What I should have said is, a $3-4,000 mortgage/month here will get you far more than a $3,-4,000/month mortgage there. Example: $500,000 house at .9% property tax (Ca avg) is $4,500 a year. Monthly payment is $1983.20 (It made me use an interest rate so I used 1%) $375 of which is to taxes-- $135,000 total going to the gov't during the mortgage. To get a house with a similar payment in Buffalo you're looking at: $410,000 at 1.880% property tax is $7,708 a year. Monthly payment is $1961.06 and $642.33 is going to taxes. That's $90,000 in house you are not getting---- $231,240 in taxes going to the gov't during the 30 year mortgage. Almost $100,000 in taxes MORE. Oh and that same $500,000 house in Buffalo is $9,400 a year in taxes. Monthly payment is $2,391.53 with $783.33 going to taxes and $282,000 in taxes over the course of the mortgage.
  11. I could say the same for NYC. The fact is LA, SD, and SF represent a minuscule part of California. I used $100,000 because that was an easy number. I'll show you a $500,000 house where I live and a $500,000 house in Buffalo will pail in comparison and will run significantly more in taxes. When your money is going to materials, construction, and land you get much more bang for your buck than when its going to the government. Plus there is that little part where the house and land can increase in value and you can make more. When that value goes up in Buffalo you just pay more and more in taxes.
  12. Isn't that the reporter who primarily covers the Steelers? Sounds like Pittsburgh is doing major damage control because AB drove his value down with how he acted with the Buffalo possibility. They would want other teams to believe it never got that far so it looks like the Bills just didnt want to give up 9. I would think most teams would not be willing to give up 9, so that would be a reasonable thing for Buffalo to do in their eyes.
  13. My wife loved working there. We only moved because I was Active Duty AF and got orders. We actually contemplated going back to Buffalo when I retired, but those property taxes were a major issue for me. It's a shame cause we loved it there. I don't think property taxes are the issue to the players... However state taxes are a HUGE issue. They are already taxed at 37% federally. You can go to PA and only add 3.07% onto that or you can go to Cali and add 13.3% on top (NY is 8.82%). Teams in those states have to pay the player significantly more to compensate for losses to taxes to equal teams from lower taxed states (or none, like FL and TX). Check this article out. https://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/bryce-harpers-mega-millions-baseball-contract-how-it-compares-to-other-offers-after-taxes
  14. Just as is the average pay for the majority of jobs/careers. A RN can easily make over $100,000 year in parts of Cali. I know this first hand and no I don't live in any of the three major Californian cities. My wife makes $100 an hour at one hospital and about $55 at another. According to glassdoor.com an RN at ECMC makes an average of $30/hr. Roswell (my wife's first place working as an RN) gets an average of $63,131 annually.
  15. Uhh... should probably do some research first. I've lived in Buffalo and almost bought a house there. Property taxes were insane for what you were getting. Here's some actual data for you to digest: "California’s overall property taxes are below the national average. The average effective property tax rate in California is 0.79%, compared with a national average of 1.19%." Buffalo 1.88% = $18.80 per thousand $100,000 house = $1880 per year, $156.67 per month on top of your mortgage! https://smartasset.com/taxes/california-property-tax-calculator#b5Sc1pJdjw
  16. There's an operative word you used there... I'll give you a hint. It starts with f and ends with orced.
  17. Human trafficking isn't just related to sex acts. If they are brought over and forced to work in the nail salons, that is also human trafficking. Often times people are promised of good paying jobs, etc to lure them. Then they get there and the "employer" takes their passports, etc... and forces them into labor. I was a gov't contractor in Qatar after retiring from the AF and I saw this first hand. The amount of trafficking to build the infrastructure for the World Cup in 2022 is astronomical.
  18. It absolutely is a world wide problem, but did you know of the term 10 years ago? Or even that it was such a problem? I can't even drive a mile where I live without driving past a Asian massage parlor advertising $20 foot massages, etc... People are horrified when they read about it or hear it on the news, but don't give a crap when its happening right in front of their oblivious eyes.
  19. I'm guessing its an Asian massage parlor, which are all associated with trafficking and have been forever... The press act like this is a new industry. Human Trafficking is just the new buzzword for it.
  20. I stopped reading when I saw you suggest cutting Ivory...
  21. What an awful game, lacking any type of offense and ends 13-3 in the modern era's, sterile superbowl conditions. It's sad to think we'll never see another SB played in the elements. The NFL loves to celebrate games like the "Ice Bowl" etc... but because of corporate greed, we won't even get to see a SB even in rainy conditions again.
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