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Posts posted by Herc11

  1. 1 hour ago, billsredneck1 said:

      I hope all went well. After this event was rescheduled twice, I could not make it nor could my girlfriend burn any more vacation time. I sent several emails to request a refund (because there was/is no contact no.) and never got a response.  I talked to a guy at Dos on the lake yesterday and he was adamant that the only date that was ever scheduled was for yesterday. I have the emails stating that it was changed from Oct. 30th to Nov. 12th and then on Nov. 12th it was changed to Nov. 26th. I bought my tickets the day you originally posted it.


      When I got the notice on Oct. 30th that it was changed to Nov. 12th,  I planned  a weekend over there with my girlfriend. My son and his girlfriend were going to the Marine Corp ball near there and we were getting rooms and making a Veterans day weekend of it.  Then on the 12th I get an email changing it to the 26th.  Yet this guy at Dos on the lake tells me yesterday, that there was never any date other than the 26th?  I guess I'm eating the 55 bucks but I am PISSED!. As far as I'm concerned GetyourTickets.net is a scam outfit from Texas and I guess I got sthustled. I'm disappointed that the team doesn't oversee this stuff.



    If the OP is involved, what a fitting name, huh?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 5 hours ago, HeHateMe said:

    Be on the look out needs an acronym now... wtf.


    Its a common acronym that has been used by law enforcement for years

    1 hour ago, CLTbills said:

    I don't know about that.... you ever thrown an empty beer can? It hit with the velocity of one that definitely had something in it.


    If you pause the video around the 33 to 34 second mark you can see beer splashing out.


    edit - Actually I the video posted is too small. The one I posted in the thread yesterday is big enough to see it.

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  3. 31 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    It’s so funny how people get worked up about football fights when hockey players can assault each other and it’s cool. 


    Hockey is an entire different culture. I didn't grow up in a hockey town, but the whole reason people looked forward to go see the semi-pro team here was the fights. Its inherently part of the sport, especially when the refs dont break up a fight until it hits the ground.

  4. 1 hour ago, CountDorkula said:


    So Lawson is innocent bystander then?


    What i saw is both threw punches at each others helmets (Which is idiotic) and then Lawson knocks Fournetts helmet off.


    Yes, Fournett should have never been there, but Lawson is not innocent in all of this.



    So if you're attacked and you fight back, you are guilty of assault???

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Bruce_Stools said:

    Ok, so what I meant by my whole post was this.   If you think throwing a can is such an inexcusable offense, how can you sit there and say you’d advocate a fist fight between a midget and a mountain.   That was my point. I just didn’t think the guy should be arrested.   That’s it.  It was just a bunch of jerks doing jerk things.  2 wrongs don’t make a right, but he had that coming and a whole lot more.  I didn’t throw the can, I don’t know who did.


    Youve questioned my intelligence with this big crazy argument, you’ve decided I was something that would be comparable to a “Bruce Kardashian”, when all I was getting at was how ridiculous it was to say the beer thrower should be arrested.   That to me seems soft and possibly said by a person who would resemble “Bruce Kardashian” more than I would.   


    Goid day sir



    Was he meaning Bruce Jenner? Cause who the hell is Bruce Kardashian?

  6. 3 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Lame doesn't cover it. What I see is about 25 people within a dozen feet or so of a guy with a helmet on, and two or three guys immediately  adjacent to Fournette. If the object hits any of them, the outcome may be totally different than harmless bouncing off a helmet. 


    I go with criminal. Arrest the douche if you can find him, charge him appropriately and make an example of him. Then, when all is said and done, have him step into the ring in a tough guy competition with Fournette. 




    Fournette got what he deserved for taunting the crowd.


    What I don't understand is how you argue that the fan should be arrested for assault, but Fournette shouldn't be for assaulting Shaq. I would argue that a bare handed punch can have far more consequences than a half-full beer (You can see it spalsh everywhere if you pause the video which proves it wasn't unopened and full).

  7. 2 hours ago, StHustle said:

    Fournette said a fan hit him? Missed that...anyone have the vid?


    I don't know if its what he was talking about, but a fan nailed him in the helmet with a beer can as he was walking in the tunnel. There's a couple videos of it floating around facebook.


  8. 5 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    Exaclty. Read what you copied, not what you editorialized. You have obfuscated generalized misunderstood and misapplied your interpretation, for some agenda.  


    Your assertion is any drunk couple that ever hooked up while drunk committed sexual assault. 


    You clearly don’t understand what you are talking about.


    But please for your own conscience please don’t ever drink with you partner/spouse whatever and then hook up... you’d have to turn yourself in. 


    Also on Ben, you have no clue what happened




     No, that is 100% NOT my argument. Geez this is worse than my 8 year old arguing with me.


    My argument is that a person who is drunk CAN NOT GIVE LEGAL CONSENT. If they say they were raped, they can go to the police and in the eyes of the law, this is RAPE and if the accused is drunk too, IT DOESN'T"T MAKE IT NOT RAPE.


    Once again:

    "Myth: If the assailant, victim, or both are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the victim is free to consent to sex and the assailant therefore cannot be charged with rape.
    Fact: When intoxicated, an individual cannot legally consent to sexual activity. Forcing sex on someone who is too drunk to give consent is still Criminal Sexual Conduct in the Third Degree. Rape is a serious offense, and people who commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not considered free from guilt."


    This is my last post on the topic, cause if you still don't get it... I'll stop there before I break CoC.


  9. 25 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    The argument doesn't really work because in a drunk driving situation, the crime is whether you drove under the influence of alcohol or drugs, there is no crime being committed because consent was not given, the crime is getting behind the wheel under the influence. Arguing that you were too drunk to make a rational decision and got behind the wheel just proves the case for the prosecution because you admitted to the crime.


    As for the incident and having security at the door, it could be argued he asked people to stand by the door so they wouldn't have people walk in on them in there?


    I was trying to make a point, because he had argued that if both people having sex are drunk then it can not be rape because the accused was also drunk. My point was, just like ignorance is not an excuse, neither is being drunk in the eyes of the law.

  10. 2 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    You’re all over the place on this. Are you drunk?


    Drunk consensual sex.... been happing since invention of booze. 


    Some people cross lines when people don’t consent or are incapacitated-  that’s rape. Overwhelming majority don’t. 


    Your training sux



    All over the place, or actually argued each of your points and you have no real rebuttal so you resort to ad hominem? Face buddy, you are wrong. Here's some evidence since you don't seem to understand:


    "Myth: If the assailant, victim, or both are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the victim is free to consent to sex and the assailant therefore cannot be charged with rape.
    Fact: When intoxicated, an individual cannot legally consent to sexual activity. Forcing sex on someone who is too drunk to give consent is still Criminal Sexual Conduct in the Third Degree. Rape is a serious offense, and people who commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not considered free from guilt."


    and once again, since you stated that you were married and don't have to worry about this and don't seem to believe it can still apply to you, here you go:


    "Myth: If a husband has sex with his wife without her consent, it is not legally considered rape.
    Fact: Regardless of the marital or social relationship between the assailant and victim, if an individual does not consent to sexual activity, he or she is being sexually assaulted. In fact, 14% of women are victims of rape committed by their husband."


    The legal role of consent

    There is no single legal definition of consent. Each state sets its own definition, either in law or through court cases. In general, there are three main ways that states analyze consent in relation to sexual acts:

    • Affirmative consent: Did the person express overt actions or words indicating agreement for sexual acts?
    • Freely given consent: Was the consent offered of the person’s own free will, without being induced by fraud, coercion, violence, or threat of violence?
    • Capacity to consent: Did the individual have the capacity, or legal ability, to consent?

    Capacity to consent

    A person’s capacity, or ability, to legally consent to sexual activity can be based on a number of factors, which often vary from state to state. In a criminal investigation, a state may use these factors to determine if a person who engaged in sexual activity had the capacity to consent. If not, the state may be able to charge the perpetrator with a crime. Examples of some factors that may contribute to someone’s capacity to consent include:

    • Age: Is the person at or above the age of consent for that state? Does the age difference between the perpetrator and victim affect the age of consent in that state?
    • Developmental disability: Does the person have a developmental disability or other form of mental incapacitation, such as a traumatic brain injury?
    • Intoxication: Was the person intoxicated? Different states have different definitions of intoxication, and in some states it matters whether you voluntarily or involuntarily became intoxicated.
    • Physical disability: Does the persona have a physical disability, incapacity, or other form of helplessness?
    • Relationship of victim/perpetrator: Was the alleged perpetrator in a position of authority, such as such as a teacher or correctional office?
    • Unconsciousness: Was the person sleeping, sedated, strangulated, or suffering from physical trauma?
    • Vulnerable adults: Is the person considered a vulnerable adult, such as an elderly or ill person? Is this adult dependent on others for care?

    Remember: each state’s law is different. If you are unsure how a state law applies to specific circumstances, consult an attorney.



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  11. 3 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    I don’t need training to learn how to assault or harass people thanks... I’m married and it’s not my thing, never was. 


    But I’m pretty sure drunk people mutually wanting to hook up never has been and never should be rape, even if regretted in the morning walk home, well unless there is a minor involved. 


    If you had training suggesting that you might want to ask more questions. 



    Does your argument work for a drunk driver as well? "Judge I was too drunk to make a rational decision if I should drive or not, sorry I killed that family."


    No, it doesn't. If someone is too impaired to give legal consent, it is rape. Doesn't matter how impaired the offending male or female is.


    Or how about the predator that gets the victim too impaired, just so he/she can do what they want with them. You think they can just be like, "I was drunk too your honor so it doesn't count."


    Oh... and by the way a married person can be raped, even by their spouse. So, yes, it really looks like you need some education.

  12. Just now, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    If drunken hookups are considered rape then every college and bar in the world needs to close immediately. 


    Also if he was even more drunk then who is the victim ?  Does it depend on the position? 


    Where do the most amount of sexual assaults/rape occur? College.


    You guys need to take some sexual harassment/assault training.

  13. 2 minutes ago, TwistofFate said:

    During the 2010 presser, Bright famously told Roethlisberger to "grow up" and to be a better role model, and today, the retired prosecutor says he hasn't heard any negative news about Roethlisberger in the years since.

    "I heard that he got married, has three kids. If all that is true, that's a good thing. He seems to have grown up," says Bright. "There's not a doubt in my mind that had the case gone to trial, a jury would have found (Roethlisberger) not guilty. To be blunt, my decision was the only decision that could be reached by any responsible prosecutor."



    Sounds like a real rapist....not. 


    His own bodyguards were cops and even the responding officer was a fan. Do you really think this was properly investigated and there was no cover-ups?



    "The accuser was treated at Oconee Regional Medical Center. An emergency-room doctor and two nurses examined her and noted in their report a "superficial laceration and bruising and slight bleeding in the genital area", but could not say if trauma or sexual assault was the cause. The remaining examination was "normal".[254] A rape kit was collected, but no ***** was recovered, and the amount of male DNA found was insufficient to create a profile. The doctor's report also quoted the alleged victim telling them that, "A boy kind of raped me."[254]

    In interviews with the police on the night of the incident, the woman alleged that Roethlisberger, after inviting her and her friends to the V.I.P. area of the nightclub, encouraged them to do numerous shots of alcohol before Anthony Barravecchio — an off-duty Coraopolis, Pennsylvania policeman, undercover DEA narcotics officer at Pittsburgh International Airport, and one of Roethlisberger's bodyguards[255][256] — stated he led her down a hallway to a stool and left. Witnesses, however, stated that Barravecchio "placed his hand" on the accuser's shoulder and applied "a little bit of pressure to guide her" into the restroom where she claims the assault took place, something Barravecchio's lawyer denies.[257][258]

    After Barravecchio's purported departure, Roethlisberger allegedly approached, exposed himself, and despite the woman's protests, followed her into what turned out to be a bathroom when she tried to leave through the first door she saw. The woman claims Roethlisberger then raped her. It is further alleged that friends of the woman attempted to intervene out of worry, but the second of Roethlisberger's bodyguards, Edward Joyner—an off-duty Pennsylvania State Trooper—avoided eye contact and said he did not know what they were talking about. The policemen claimed to "have no memory" of meeting the woman.[259]

    Milledgeville Police Sergeant Jerry Blash, who had posed for a photograph with Roethlisberger earlier in the evening, was the first officer to respond. At the scene, he made a comment about the accuser to Barravecchio: "We have a problem, this drunken [expletive], drunk off her ass, is accusing Ben of rape.” Blash later admitted denigrating the accuser and never formally questioning Roethlisberger; he did speak to the NFL player and his off-duty police bodyguards at the Capital City club, but according to Blash's own report, Roethlisberger was hardly engaged and spent most of the time on his phone.[255]

    On April 12, 2010, district attorney Fred Bright held a press conference to announce that Roethlisberger would not be charged. Bright said "looking at all the evidence here, I cannot prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt".[254] Furthermore, the accuser wrote to the D.A. through her lawyer expressing she no longer wanted to pursue criminal charges[260] because the level of media attention would make a criminal trial too "intrusive" of a personal experience. The letter stressed that she was not recanting her accusation."

  14. 14 minutes ago, TwistofFate said:



    I didn't know Roth was convicted of rape. 

    I didn't know he was arrested, sent to trial, and convicted of Rape by a jury of his peers. 


    Usually people forget about things that aren't true. 


    The case never went to trial because the girl dropped the charges due to the media storm it would create. She never recanted her accusation.

    2 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    Easy, cowboy.


    Ben wasn't even charged, let alone tried, let alone convicted.  Educate yourself on the facts.

     Like I just said, The case never went to trial because the girl dropped the charges due to the media storm it would create. She never recanted her accusation.


    Educate yourself on the FACTS

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