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  1. Looks like a giant barn
  2. Obviously. However, this still isn't something to freak out about.
  3. Do you even understand steroids? Like actually understand them? Know the difference between Anavar, Tren, Test? There are so many different steroids out there that do different things. Not all steroids are the same. And not all PEDs are steroids. You aren't going to lose results by stopping something like Adderall. It may heighten awareness, get you wired, etc, but you're not going to have a fall off in performance like with steroids. And not all steroids have much of a drop off if done correctly. My point is, they may not even of been taking steroids.
  4. ITS NOT JOSH, my god people. These are rotational level players for f*** sake.
  5. No where did I say it was good news. People acting like these are key players being suspended and the sky is falling is ridiculous
  6. If this was late in the season taking them out of the playoffs, sure I can understand the outrage. It couldn't of happened at a better time to begin the season. People are overreacting.
  7. Late to the show? He already did.
  8. Could also be Adderall. PEDs encompass a variety of things, which makes my point. PEDs don't automatically mean steroids. If you took the time to read what I was replying to, you would understand the context of what I was saying.
  9. PEDs don't automatically mean steroids
  10. Like I said, the team will be fine without these two for 6 weeks. People are acting like these were big time acquisitions.
  11. Sure, but I'm confident the team will do just fine down these two for 6 weeks.
  12. Who cares? It's 6 games in an 18 game season. If anything they'll be fresh coming in week 7 when things start to ramp out later in the season.
  13. Even worse was that one was a highlight of sacking Watson who is terrible. The other is sacking the human statue Rodgers and Collinsworth even says, Rodgers had well over 3 seconds to throw. Not exactly prime highlights.
  14. Ugh this was our chance to let him go without the harshness of cutting him. Dude is too slow for the position.
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