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Everything posted by TFBillsfan

  1. Please no to Alex Smith aka Trent Edwards! I’d rather keep Taylor. Improve the roster with your draft capital and move up into the teens if necessary for a QB. With Cousins, Manning, Bridgewater, Smith, Keenum and Bradford potentially all available it will push some QB’s down. If somehow Baker is there mid teens go get him! Guy just looks like a Buffalo Bill and you don’t lose much of your draft capital!
  2. IMO, breaking thru to reach the playoffs does so many things related to changing the culture and mentality of everyone associated with the Bills! 1. They achieved a goal they set. No more same ole Bills. 2. They did it when their overall talent level is low. Talent level should increase and think of the expectations if they can land a franchise QB. 3. It shows they are in it to win it which is a huge message with FA’s, future assistant coaches, etc. Who wouldn’t want to be part of this with such a rabid fanbase. People shouldn’t underestimate the scene at the airport. That doesn’t happen at 99% of the other NFL teams! 4. Lastly, winning establishes a minimum bar of what is expected going forward. No more disappointing stories about losing, relocating team, etc. Now the stories are about a stories franchise, small market city that loves its Bills, BillsMafia, rising young coach, fans coming out of the woodwork who lost faith but now wear their Bills apparel with pride and lastly RESPECT! Would love nothing more than to beat the Jags and knock Brady off of their pedestal!!!! LETS GO BUFFALO!
  3. Good!!! Lost total respect for him for what he did to White. His punishment was even more embarrassing for a league that says it cares about player safety. I so wanted the Bills to do the exact same thing to Brady when he was on the ground. It would be a player that had no prior history of suspensions or fines and then he could say he was frustrated by the lack of holding the referees weren't calling which led to him acting out on Brady. What could the NFL do since they set the bar with what Gronk did? If our player was suspended for more than one game it would look like favoritism to the Patriots. It also would of told the Patriots this isn't your same old BIlls team! More of a baseball or hockey mentality. You do that to one of our players, someone else is going to get it on your team! Would stop this nonsense real quick.
  4. I really don’t want another cast off FA QB. We need to hit on one in the draft. In addition, need DT, OLB, CB. Most likely an OG and RB as well. First four picks should be QB, DT, OLB and CB. Will be nice to have a healthy Shaq, Glenn and Benjamin to start the season!
  5. I'd like the Bills to get their QB this year. Trade one of their first and next years first to do it but don't trade both this year. Still gives you your QB plus your another first, second and thirds to still address needs this year. QB, LB, WR and DT with your first four picks. RB in later round. Address other needs in FA.
  6. Go get your QB this year. I don't want another short term journeyman. We could still have two first round picks this year and trade next years first to move up. SF, Chicago, Texans, Colts, and Bucs are potential trade partners depending how everything plays out. Right now we are starring down the barrel at 7-9.
  7. With the way KC and Buffalo are playing, I don't think we are going to need to trade up. We finish 8-8 at best. We must land playmakers at QB, DT and LB with our first three picks! If Peterman plays the rest of the way it's a 6-10 season which lands us in the top 10 for drafting.
  8. Yep......WR.....wait you had one but declined the option, DT.....wait you had one but traded for a 6th rounder and required a double team freeing up your linebackers. Franchise QB.....wait you could of had one in Watson but wanted a CB. They must absolutely nail their picks in the first 3 rounds.
  9. Surprise NO doesn’t put in their 2nd team offense at this point!
  10. Saints are making them eat dirt! Handing it off straight up the gut for huge yards!
  11. Ran it right down their throats for 94 yards with every run for positive yards. No pride on D at all. Second week in a row Bills have just laid down.
  12. Getting absolutely smoked! Sorry but McDermott your process sucks! You’ve totally screwed up the run game, have a QB that will only throw to a wide open receiver and the defense is made of glass. Stupid unforced penalties and can’t tackle. Seen this story play out too many times. Bills will be lucky to win two more games. Embarrassing on all levels,
  13. TT inaccurate throwing, Bills d can't tackle and getting gashed up the middle. Yikes!
  14. And this is the wrong mindset! Quit striving for the minimum as a WC entry and expect to win the division. The Jets loss still ticks me off. They look unprepared and got totally outplayed from the opening kickoff! Why not move the games to Friday nights then? But at the end of the day it still comes off as an excuse. Jets played on the same amount of rest and looked fine. Three days rest didn't cause the fumbles or lack of discipline regarding self inflicted penalties.
  15. McDermott should get the blunt of the criticism. Team is horrible prepared. Getting it handed to them. No intensity and crappy game plan! Hopefully the Ducasse experiment is over. Now we get NO, SD, KC and NE. Play like this and realistically you could be looking a 5 game losing streak!
  16. 158 yards of total offense FIVE sacks allowed One turnover Yikes!!!
  17. Bills are flat. PC weak, OL can't block and D is getting shredded thus far. Not getting a good vibe about this game!
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