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Everything posted by TFBillsfan

  1. No complaints if we draft James Daniel at 22. Should be an anchor on the OL for a long time. Just depends where LB ranks on their board.
  2. This is why I don’t want to trade our 2018 1st round pick. Even if we trade up for a Qb, I don’t see them starting this year. My gut says the Bills will be drafting in the top 10 next year.
  3. I won’t be that upset. If the Bills stay at 12 and get a Qb with the drafting falling their way or can’t find a trade partner, I’d still be happy landing Allen . Get a LB with the 22nd pick and Sony Michel in the 2nd. Hypothetically: 12- Allen 22- LB from Boise State 2nd Rd- Michel 2nd Rd-OL or WR 3rd Rd-OL/CB 4th Rd- Jewell (LB) from Iowa Would be ecstatic with this draft!
  4. If the Bills stay at 12 and get a Qb with the drafting falling their way, get LB with the 22nd pick, I’d love them to get Sony Michel! Hypothetically: 12- Allen or Rosen 22- LB from Boise State 2nd Rd- Michel 2nd Rd-OL or WR 3rd Rd-OL/CB 4th Rd- Jewell (LB) from Iowa Would be ecstatic with this draft!
  5. I could easily see us having double digit losses this year. Just way too many holes to fill. OL, LB, WR along with a big ? at QB. Multiple holes on the OL. After this season KW will be done and Shady will be another year older. So we’ll need a replacement in both of those positions as well. At this point, call me greedy but I’d rather move up to the 6-7 spot and keep the majority of my picks. With the current roster, not sure it’s wise to start any rookie QB this year. Keeping next years #1 is a must.
  6. IMO the Bills are certainly behind the eight ball. By trading Taylor, everyone knows they are desperate to move up to get a top tier QB. They had tons of opportunities to sign a quality FA QB and didn’t do anything other than sign an unproven backup. Now they are desperate and every GM knows it. It will cost them a fortune to move up now as if your the opposing GM you hold all the cards. Plus with all the draft capital built, if I’m the opposing GM, you ask for the world. Will be interesting to see what they do. If anything I would try to get a trade with Cleveland at four. Then work a deal for the Giants to draft Rosen or Allen, then Buffalo can draft who the Giants want at four. Then work out a trade to swap picks. Maybe less costly.
  7. Certainly will get a DT with one of the picks. No way do you draft both. If they don’t move up to get a QB then these are the positions I’d like them to target. DT (Vea or Hurst if there) LB or CB (depending on FA) QB (assuming you landed a FA QB) RB (Michel from UGA) C (James Daniel from University of Iowa) Remaining picks for depth (LB, TE, WR, G) This gives us at least three starters and Michel would be a great 1-2 punch with Shady. Of course what they do in FA can change needs. IMO keep Glenn at LT (if healthy)and resign Henderson for depth. Dawkins at RT. Groy or Daniels at Center. Richie and Miller at guards. If Daniels starts at C you have the flexibility to move Groy to guard.
  8. As another posted suggested. James Daniel, C, University of Iowa should be on our immediate radar.
  9. As an avid Hawkeye love Wadley but if Sony Michel is there with their second 2nd round pick I’d pull the trigger assuming I already had QB, DT and LB addressed. If not Wadley would be solid add but they need a power back to compliment Shady IMO!
  10. Come on! This is nonsense. Marrone INHERITED an excellent situation in Jax. That roster is loaded with talent compared to the current Bills roster but yet they managed one more win. I'd love to hear your rational on labeling the Pegula's terrible owners of the Bills. They have made significant changes since they have bought the team and all signs are trending up. If you can't see that, then I don't know what your are looking at!
  11. Fully agree! This is why it hurts that Dareus didn’t pan out. Now we need to fill another hole. Draft a stud DT, sign a FA DT and drafting a LB will substantially upgrade our pass rush and improve our run defense. Love KW and everything he has done but I feel his best days are behind him. If Glenn is healthy no need to address OT as you have Dawkins and Glenn. Maybe look at an OG in FA or draft in later rounds. Personally I’d like to see us draft James Daniels, All Big Ten Center from University of Iowa in the 4th if he’s there. Started as a Freshman under Ferentz who has a history of churning out OL. QB, DT, LB, RB, CB, C and BPA with our first five draft picks.
  12. If Sony Michel is there in the 2nd round, I'd pull the trigger. Perfect one two punch with Shady! Don't think he'll last to the 3rd round though. Any chance Payne is still there at 21/22?
  13. Curious what the draft grades are on Sony Michel RB for UGA and Payne DT for Alabama. IMO, they'd look good as Buffalo Bills!
  14. QB is a no brainer. Sign solid vet and draft one. If he’s there in the mid teens go get him without giving up the house. DT or LB. Get a difference maker which greatly helps Hughes and Shaq. If you can hit on these picks, instant impact. Get BPA in later rounds to increase depth. (CB, RB, TE) Obviously some of this will depends on what happens in Free Agency. However, please don’t go cutting or trading players that create additional holes! IE.......OT and DE. Those aren’t areas that need immediate upgrades and for too long we run in circles because we have done this.
  15. I just don’t see that happening again. Steelers will win by 2TDs in my opinion. Still can’t believe how bad our offense was today.
  16. Resign Henderson, PB, Gaines, Thompson and Matthews. All still young in their careers. I’d say Gaines is the biggest priority. Personally, I’d let Kyle end his career on a high note (made the playoffs and ended the drought).
  17. Why do you think they have to package both to move up? I may give up one of my first this year and give up additional picks in 2019. No way would I give up both unless I'm going all in to move up significantly!
  18. Either move up to get your QB or you hold tight and get two studs with those picks. I don't want to give up the house to move up as 4 picks in the first two rounds will instantly improve this team if you hit on your picks!!!
  19. Steeler should lite them up next week. There were tons of plays of the field that TT missed. Solid QB and playcalling and Bills should of won. 17-10 or somewhere in that ball park. Disappointing with how well our D played.
  20. If you really cant find any reason why this season is a success compared to the past 17 years, I feel sorry for you. Sure they have room to improve but at the end of the day they finished 9-7, made the playoffs and lost a game they should of won with far lesser talent. In addition, they have a bounty of draft capital going into the offseason to add instant playmakers!
  21. You were at the one yard line. 1st and goal. The Jags D had been on the field for a long drive and were gassed. All the more reason why you run it right down their throats!!! Horrible read by Taylor to check out of that call.
  22. My gut told me the same thing. 1st and goal at the one after a long time consuming drive and then you get pass happy. Then you go mega aggressive on offense when you should run to make Jax burn timeouts and go into halftime up. Instead lack of thinking makes it tied at halftime and you knew Jacksonville would improve in the 2nd half. Any semblance of offense and Bills win this game easily! Just a couple thoughts: 1. Huge kudos to Shady. What a gamer!!! 2. This loss wasn't on the Defense. They did everything you wanted them to do. 3. Hopefully TT is okay after the hit he took at the end of the game. Disappointing he didn't run more this game. Big plays were there all day but his hesitation was on full display. Most passes were checkdowns or super safe short passes. No anticipation at all. 4. With that said, #1 priority is a QB in the offseason. 5. Solid first year under McDermott. Culture is established. Adding a QB that throws downfield, a playmaking LB and a stud DT run stuffer will be instant upgrades to this team. 6. Hopefully they can resign EJ Gaines at CB. 7. Need to add depth at RB and CB. 8. Offensive Coordinator needs to go. When you haven't a scored a TD in the 4th quarter in ages, you have major issues. Plus just no sense of urgency at all during the game. 9. Hats off to BillsMafia! You showed the nation the passion our fanbase has. Super impressive. 10. In the end the Jags were certainly the more talented team but this game was there for the taking. Bills failed to make the critical plays when needed and unfortunately that's the thin line between winning and losing in the NFL. High expectations for the 2018 season!!! Havent been able to say that in a very long time.
  23. Agree. 20 seconds is an eternity in the NFL. With it being first down they could of ran a quick pass or run and then spiked the ball as you suggested. Ballgame over.
  24. Was in my late 20’s when this game occurred so rewatching it really made me question a few things regarding the controversial ending. 1. Why did Wade elect to kick the FG with 20 seconds remaining when it was first down? I know they were out of timeouts but a Peerless Price had just gotten out of bounds for a first down. 2. They could of ran one or two more plays and gotten closer leaving just a few seconds to kick the FG. No time would of remained the game if they chose this path. 3. Surprised they didnt kick it deep and the coverage during that play was atrocious. Sad seeing a game end this way as it seems it all could of been avoided. Wade was a good coach but this one has to haunt him with his decision making the last 20 seconds.
  25. Vikings, Green Bay, Titans,NE and Jags would seem like the games that have potential for a SNF or MNF.
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