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Everything posted by TFBillsfan

  1. Bills D have given up 8 red zone TD’s on 8 try’s! Wow!!!! Another blowout in the works. Can’t block, can’t run, can’t pass protect, can’t punt and our defense is competing for worst in the league!
  2. Don’t even think KB turned back. One would think the OC and WR would know Josh will have about 2seconds max to throw today!
  3. Ourselves! Barring drastic changes I’m of the belief we are a lock for the first pick. Based upon yesterday, I don’t see one team on the schedule that we will be favored to beat. Just run Peterman out for 3 more games as the starter to punctuate the tank!
  4. Not defending them cutting him, but is he really the biggest problem on this team? The bias towards players not signed or drafted by these two is short sided in my opinion.
  5. I love how we cut young developing players. Sad how McDermott and Beane continue to purge everyone they didn’t draft or sign. KEEP Peterman but cut Washington, that will solve things!
  6. Wonder if the Ravens would take a 5th for RGIII? If they don’t think Allen is ready then go get a proven vet!
  7. Next year will bring even more change to the roster. KW, Lorax, KB, possibly McCoy and Clay will be gone. Not sure what pieces of the OL outside of Dawkins is salvageable. Assume Teller starts at OG next year. Maybe keep Miller, so you’d need a center and a RT. If Allen shows promise, you have to load up on offense. Defense needs another OLB. This year is going to be bad. Not sure if they will be favored in any game this year! If Allen is solid you trade down for more picks!
  8. The Bills do know this isn’t a preseason game right? McDermott is going to earn his pay this year! Could lose the locker room if he keeps playing Peterman!
  9. Tampa has 31 points and we’re still working on getting a first down and 20 yards of offense! Woof!
  10. Not sure we’ll get a first down before half. Doubt Benjamin is back next year as he’s just too inconsistent.
  11. Not sure I can watch 16 games like this. If they are going to be this bad just be bad to get a top pick. This offense looks atrocious. Stack the box and make NP beat. Allen should play after week four at this rate.
  12. 2.1 seconds of successful pass blocking is down right embarrassing. That’s literally about the time it takes to receive a shotgun snap, look and throw regardless of the coverage. ANY QB will struggle mightily with that type of pee wee football blocking. I don’t have high hopes that this improves anytime soon.
  13. Until the game against the Bengals, my mindset was Josh had exceeded expectations and out of the three QB’s he gave us the best chance to win so I was okay with him starting and going thru the growing pains. However, no way do I start him with the hot mess of an OL in front of him. Until the online improves and can at least provide 3 seconds of pass protection it serves no purpose to put him out there. I had hoped our OL would at least be serviceable. Peterman has played well, but less face reality. If we were ranking starting QB’s, Peterman would be ranked last. While he has been getting the ball out quicker, defenses will make him beat them deep and take away the middle, forcing Peterman’s weakness (arm strength) to throw the out or deep ball. IMO, this will be a major rebuilding year for the Bills. Major OL concerns, a starting QB that can’t make certain throws, zero pass rush by the front four and a weak LB core. Unless this team drastically exceeds expectations, I feel we will be drafting in the top 5 next year. I’m actually okay with that as I can at least see a plan. Upgrade OL, LB, WR with draft and cap space and we finally should have a strong foundation and balance on both sides of the ball. If the season goes south, I could see them moving Shady later in the season for more draft picks. Love my Bills and hoping I’m 100% wrong, but this season I’m setting my expectations lower based upon what I’ve seen thus far.
  14. This OL is a hot mess from the starting five. Heaven forbid someone gets hurt as we have no depth outside of Teller. It’s going to turnstile city this year trying to pass block. I normally discount the preseason but our OL is consistently losing basic one on one matches. Our coaches would have to be blind not to have the same concerns.
  15. Reality is Mahomes sat a year and the Chiefs added additional players to help him. No different than letting Allen sit this year and the Bills add playmakers and upgrade the OL in the off-season. Allen has done nothing but impress me thus far. I like his moxy, his arm and thus far the accuracy concerns seem over hyped. The game didn’t look too big for him today behind a pee wee OL. Put Mahomes on the Bills right now and I highly doubt you’d be posting the same comment!
  16. How about two preseason games and keep a 16 game schedule. I see no value of going to an 18 game schedule other than greed.
  17. Any Bills fan ripping on Allen or Peterman right now needs to reevaluate their fan card. Allen looks like he’s going to be a good one. Peterman has certainly improved from his first season. Regardless of who starts unless the OL significantly improves it won’t matter!
  18. Glass half full. Thought these guys played well. Murphy Peterman Croom Edmunds Allen (all things considered) Very Concerning: OL pass blocking Zero pass rush
  19. The problem I have is the Bills WATCH this happen and do nothing but whine about it until after the game. AW, Gronk hit and now a repeat offender doing again. They had plenty of opportunities to let Landry know what they thought about it on the field. Not one player confronted him , got in his face, etc. For cripe sakes stand up for your teammates! You’ll rip off a helmet or punch a guy in practice but when this type of BS happens you don’t do squat! If you won’t do it in a preseason game, I doubt you will in a regular season game!
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