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Everything posted by McBean

  1. Not good. My 7 month old little girl is sick. 65 and sunny here as well
  2. Keep my name out of your mouth before I knock you out...son.
  3. If he needs surgery then what? I haven’t been this depressed as a Bills fan in a very long time. Everytime I think this team has hit rock bottom, they make a new low.
  4. This team will be boring to watch until he comes back.
  5. That’s your opinion not a fact. He’s not and Rosen has a HOF receiver + Kirk.
  6. I’m sorry but give me Peterman all day over Anderson. I want this to finally go up in flames. Give me the #1 overall pick instead of 6-10 with Derek Anderson who’s playing his last season of football.
  7. Start Peterman, secure #1 overall pick, draft Herbert out of Oregon, and fire my a$$.
  8. Will somebody just fire me already?
  9. Start Peterman rest of the way to make sure we get #1 overall pick.
  10. I hope he comes back next week because he needs to be playing weekly.
  11. Peterman will never lose the starting job again. hahahaha
  12. We can’t have anything good as fans.
  13. Best Bills team I’ve ever seen was last year. I’ve never watched a real QB play for us yet.
  14. Put the crack pipe down and stop thinking short term. Long term benefit is trading shady and getting something for him. We aren’t going anywhere this season. We have a historic awful offense. Imagine this offense on the road in the playoffs against KC. Seriously? TRADE MCCOY
  15. Kerley and Marlowe are gone because have to protect a huge asset in Nate Peterman.
  16. If Derek Anderson starts one game I’ll not watch again until they fire my a$$.
  17. After this press conference, IMO, McCoy is getting traded. No doubt about it.
  18. Pull the trigger now. Sell high. I’d do it for a third. We stomped the Vikings without him and we’ll be fine with Ivory/Murphy.
  19. I’m so encouraged by our past 2 drafts. It’s what has plagued this organization for years (bad drafts.)
  20. Our defensive line is actually legit now.
  21. We do what we did today on offense and we win tops one more game. Running doesn’t win games in the NFL. Not to mention the Titans gave us the ball 3 times.
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