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Everything posted by McBean

  1. We lose to KC Sunday you start Peterman rest of the way. McDermott did this just to satisfy the vets.
  2. When is next McDermott press conference?
  3. Honestly, they should’ve started him every game this season. If he looked decent then good. If he looked awful, we would’ve had a top 3 pick. Where I blame McBean is trying to win now and later at the same time. You can’t do it.
  4. When is next press conference?
  5. Don’t even do it to yourself. We’re already 9.5 point dogs this week. It’s over.
  6. I was dead wrong about Peterman. Also, wrong that I thought this team was ready for the playoffs this season. Not even close.
  7. That's why you give Beane and McDermott 5 years minimum. Turnover the past decade hasn't helped matters either.
  8. I love McDermott but if he starts Peterman, he loses the locker room IMO.
  9. Trump is right about a lot of things. That's why he was elected. Don't listen to the FAKE news.
  10. He’s not leaving Washington.
  11. He'll lead us to the doomed 7-9 promise land.
  12. We're marching straight towards the 7-9 finish line. It's what has killed this team forever. Too good to get good talent and too bad to make the playoffs. We're going to do it again. I wanted us to retain Rex this coming season because I knew that clown could get the job done going 1-15. What did we do? Not only did we hire a HC before a GM, we are trying to win both now and later.. How much sense does that make? I tell you, the thought of Peterman got me excited because it gave me hope. Now? I have no hope. Nada. Zilch. I don't see the light. Name me one positive you are looking forward to with this team from here on out? I can't think of a single damn one. We are going to be picking 11th and end up with Josh freakin Allen.
  13. I don’t see the light now or ever for this team.
  14. Just when I thought this team hit an all time low, they are going to go and do something like this...
  15. I’m completely speechless.
  16. #1. Screw John Clayton. Wtf does that guy know? ESPN canned his ass and the guy thought TT was good. What’s the vision you ask? Did any of you not hear the man Sean McDermott tell everyone on Wednesday? ”We are not here to be 5-4. We are here to be better than that. I was sent here to win a championship.” How any so called Bills fan can’t get behind these new guys is beyond me. This is the first regime since the glory years that has nuts. Everybody needs to quit bitching and whining and get behind McBean. They know wtf they are doing. It’s refreshing. The 7-9 days are over.
  17. Ask me Sunday evening..
  18. The funny thing about it is the national media thinks we are crazy for starting NP even though we are almost last in offense. Sad!
  19. Thanks for being a class act and great professional here in Buffalo Tyrod. Good luck on your career going forward.
  20. The biggest thing that gets me excited is this regime and HC. Prior small thinking, scared, conservative, not smart, and failure HC’s rolled out mediocre QB’s week after week. The end goal was “earn a playoff spot” as we raced to the 7-9 finish line year after year... Not McBean. These guys have brass balls and are going down fighting like hell. What McDermott said yesterday about made me run through a brick wall. Something to the effect of, “I’m not here to be 5-4 in a playoff hunt. I’m here to win CHAMPIONSHIPS!” You gotta respect this new FO and staff if you’re a long time suffering Bills fan.
  21. Lost all respect for Schoop.
  22. This regime isn't like others. They are going down swinging bottom line.
  23. This move today means that McBean end goal isn't getting to WC spot and getting curb stomped round 1. These guys have brass balls and I love it.
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